Jones, L Gregory and Paulsell, Stephanie

The Scope of Our Art: The Vocation of the Theological Teacher - Michigan William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company 2002 - 263p

Formative Practices of the Theological Teacher`s Vocation
The Formation of the Scholar ..........3
Writing as a Spiritual Discipline ....17
Reading as a Spiritual Discipline ......32
Contemplation in the Midst of Chaos......48
My Vocational Kinship with the United States ........75
2. Theological Teachers in Their Classrooms
Teaching as Conversation ..99
Teaching as a Ministry of Hope ...120
Teaching as Cultivating wisdom for a Complex World ....135
Teaching and Learning as Ceaseless Prayer .....155
3. Theological Teachers in Their Schools
Yea, The Work of our hands, establish thou it .....173
Vocation in the Outback ........190
Negotiating the Tensions of Vocation .........209
The Formation of Vocation Institutional and Individual ....225
Attending to the Collective Vocation ........240


C85 / J710