Donne, Anthony Le and Thatcher, Tom

The Fourth Gospel in First-Century Media Culture: Reconsidering I Peter`s Commands to Wives - London Bloomsbury 2013 - 283p - Library of New Testament Studies - 426 .

1. John and Oral Culture
Seeing, Hearing, Declaring Writing Media Dynamics in the Letters of John ........11
The Riddle of the Baptist and the Genesis of the Prologue .............29
A Performance of the Text : The Adulteress`s Entrance into John`s Gospel ..........49
2. John as Oral Performance
John`s Memory theatre: A Study of Composition in Performance ..............73
The Medium and Message of John : Audience address and Audience Identity in the Fourth Gospel ............92
Jesus Retold as the World`s Light in Johannine Oral Prophecy ........121
Scripture Talks Because Jesus Talks: The Narrative Rhetoric of Persuading and Creativity in John`s Use of Scripture ........133
3. John in the Medium of Memory
John`s Gospel and the Oral Gospel Tradition ...........157
Memory, Commemoration and History in John ........186
Abraham as a Figure of Memory in John .........205
4. Reflections and Directions
What different does the Medium Make .......225
Introducing Media Culture to Johannine Studies Orality, Performance and Memory ...........239


B70.1 / J826