Shillington, V George

A Complicated Love Story: Focus on the Fourth Gospel - Bangalore Theological Publications In India 2021 - 158p

Ambiguous World ..........8
Key Witness: John the Baptizer ......20
Anonymous Mother- Nominal Father .........27
Two Inquisitive Neighbors: Different as night and Day ...........37
The Brothers ........48
Signs of a Super Physician ......58
Lazerus of Bethany ................67
Concerning the Jews .......76
Jesus Inauspicious Entrance into Jerusalem for Passover .........84
The Beloved Disciple in the Spotlight.......91
Pontius Pilate and the Question of Truth ......115
Playing politics : The Case Against Jesus ......125
Temporary Tomb......135
The Reality of Jesus Resurrected ........141


B87 / SH622