Vagneux, Yann

A Priest in Banaras - Bangalore ATC Publishers 2020 - 232p

1. Vision ......1
An Ongoing Vocation ........3
A Catholicity in Prospect .........13
An Implacable Call to Mission .........23
Melchizedek Fulfilled ......35
2. Fulfillment ............41
The Calls of the Holy City .........43
Sisters by the Ganges ...........53
Priests on the Bankers of the Ganges .........67
Panikkar at Banaras....77
Making the Fear of Other Disappear ........85
Carrying forward the Tradition ....99
3. Taking Rots ....105
Colours white and Saffron ......107
Muslim Banaras ..........133
Christmas at Banaras ..........153
4. Sending Off......155
Humility and Magnanimity......157
A Dialogue of Friendship ........179
The Source of All Presence ........201
The Musicians of the Absolute .........213


C94.2 / V175