Brown, Jeannine K

The Gospels as Stories: A Narrative Approach to Matthew, Mark, Luke and John - Bengaluru Theological Publications in India 2021 - 210p

1. Introduction ............1
The Turn to Gospels as Stories : Narrative Criticism in Gospel Studies ..........3
2. Plot and Plotting ..........21
The Selection, Sequence, and Shape of the Story .........23
Narrative plotting in the Gospel of Luke ....................43
3. Character and Characterization ........63
The People in the Story .............65
Matthew`s Characterization of the Disciples .............85
4. Intertextuality .........105
The Stories behind the Story .........107
Intertextuality in John: Passover Lamb and Creation`s Renewal......127
5. Narrative Theology .......145
How a Story theologies ......147
The God of Mark`s Gospel .........165
5. Conclusion ......181
The Ongoing power of the Gospels as Stories .........193


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