TY - BOOK AU - Biam, Roibok. AU - Biam,Roibok TI - Transformative Formation in Religious Life: Its Agents and Roles U1 - KT2019 23 PY - 2019/// CY - Bangalore PB - Dharmaram Vidya Kshetram N1 - includes index and biblioraphy; BIBLIOGRAPHY Documents of the Church Vatican Council II. Dogmatic Constitution on the Church. Lumen Gentium. 1964. AAS 57: 5-57. Vatican Council II. Decree on the Up-to-Date Renewal of Religious Life. Perfactae Caritatis. 1965. AAS 58:702-712 Vatican Council II. Decree on the Training of Priests. Optatam Totius.1965. AAS 58:702-712 John Paul II, Familiaris Consortio. Apostolic Exhortation, New York: St. Paul Publications, 1981. John Paul II, Pastores Dabo Vobis, Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation on the formation of Priests in the Circumstances of the Present Day, Bombay: St. Paul Publications,1992. John Paul II, Vita Consecrata. Apostolic Exhortation on Consecrated Life, Vatican City: Vatican Press, 1996. 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Accessed on 27 January 2019 Cencini, “Formation Today: Ministry and Mystery,” http://www.ofmconv.or/x/CenciniEng.htm. Accessed on 17 November 2018. “Social Research Glossary: Transformation,” http://www.qualityresearchinternational.com/socialresearch/transformation.ht m. Accessed on 25 October 2018. “Transformation: Definition,” http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/transformation.html. Accessed on 25 October 2018. “Transformation: Definition,” http://www.businssdictionary.com/definition/transformation.html. Accessed on 25 October 2018 ; Table of Contents CERTIFICATE .....................................................................................................III DECLARATION...................................................................................................IV ACKNOWLEDGEMENT...................................................................................... V TABLE OF CONTENTS.………………………………………………………….VI GENERAL INTRODUCTION ............................................................................... 1 CHAPTER ONE THE MEANING AND DIFFERENT DIMENSIONS OF FORMATION Introduction .................................................................................................................. 5 1.1 The Meaning and Related Concepts ............................................................................... 5 1.1.1. Formation and Transformation............................................................................... 6 1.1.2 Formation as Imitation of Christ.............................................................................. 7 1.1.3 The Relationship between Formation and Transformation ........................................... 8 1.1.4 Deeper Implications of Transformation................................................................... 11 1.2 Aims and Purpose of Formation .................................................................................. 12 1.3 Characteristics of Formation in Religious Life ................................................................ 13 1.3.1 A Faith Journey .................................................................................................. 13 1.3.2 A Dynamic Process.............................................................................................. 14 1.3.3 A Dialogical Process............................................................................................. 15 1.3.4 Formation as Growth........................................................................................... 16 1.3.5 Formation as Integration ...................................................................................... 17 1.3.6 Formation as Forming Christ Self .......................................................................... 19 1.3.7 Formation as Enlightenment ................................................................................. 20 1.3.8 Formation as Shepherding .................................................................................... 20 1.3.9 Formation as Accompaniment ............................................................................... 21 1.3.10 Formation as Responsibility and Commitment........................................................ 22 1.3.11 Formation as Mystery......................................................................................... 23 Conclusion ................................................................................................................. 24 CHAPTER TWO TRANSFORMATIVE JOURNEY IN THE HOLY BIBLE Introduction ................................................................................................................ 25 2.1 Formation and Vocation in the Old Testament ................................................................ 25 2.1.1 Formative Journey of Abraham............................................................................. 25 2.1.2 Vocation and Formation of Samuel......................................................................... 27 2.1.3 Formative Dynamics in the Life of David................................................................. 29 2.1.4 Formative Journey of Jeremiah ............................................................................. 31 2.2 Formation of the People of Israel................................................................................. 32 2.2.1 Called out of Bondage .......................................................................................... 33 2.2.2 The Divine Initiative and Election .......................................................................... 33 2.2.3 Formative Experience in the Desert........................................................................ 34 2.2.4 Acquiring a New Identity...................................................................................... 36 2.3 Formation in the Gospels........................................................................................... 37 2.3.1 Formation Programme of Jesus ............................................................................. 37 2.3.2 Formation by Word and Example .......................................................................... 42 2.3.3 Forming for the Mission ....................................................................................... 47 Conclusion ................................................................................................................. 48 CHAPTER THREE THE ROLE OF DIFFERENT AGENTS AND FACTORS IN THE PROCESS OF TRANSFORMAION Introduction ................................................................................................................ 50 3.1 The Trinity: The Prime Agent of Formation ................................................................... 50 3.1.2 Through the Spirit............................................................................................... 52 3.1.3 Into the Image of the Son ...................................................................................... 56 3.2 Human Agents of Formation ...................................................................................... 60 3.2.1 Formee’s Role and Responsibilities......................................................................... 61 3.2.2 The Formator’s Role ............................................................................................ 64 3.2.3 The Need of Formative Community ........................................................................ 67 3.3 Seminary System and Structures in Formation................................................................ 71 3.3.1 The Role of the Rector or Superior ......................................................................... 71 3.3.2 The Roles of the Professors.................................................................................... 71 3.3.3 The Role of the Spiritual Directors ......................................................................... 72 3.3.4 The Role of the Family and the Pastoral Community ................................................. 72 3.4 Role of Positive Attitudes and Values........................................................................... 73 3.4.1 Strengths in Spiritual Formation............................................................................ 73 3.4.2 Facilitating in Depth Motivation ............................................................................ 74 3.4.3 Greater Internalization......................................................................................... 75 3.4.5 Emotional Maturity ............................................................................................. 75 3.4.6 Psycho-Sexual Integration..................................................................................... 76 3.4.7 Familial Ambience............................................................................................... 76 3.4.8 Personal Option for God....................................................................................... 77 Conclusion ................................................................................................................. 79 GENERAL CONCLUSION.................................................................................. 80 BIBLIOGRAPHY ........................................................................................................ 83 ER -