Teixeira, Banzelao

Building Bridges of Fraternity & Friendship: Reflections on Fratelli Tutti - New Delhi, Christian World Imprints 2022 - vi, 235p

1. Introduction: Pope Francis—Builder of Bridges
Banzelao Julio Teixeira
2. Fratelli Tutti: On Fraternity and Social Friendship
Vinod Mascarenhas
3. The Strange Other Awakens My Responsibility: A Philosophical Reading of the Good Samaritan Narrative in the Footsteps of Fratelli Tutti
Roger Burggraeve
4. Insaniyat—Fraternity in Diversity
Mark Ulyseas
5. Dialogue, Fraternity and Cultures
Maria Arul Anthuvan Tharsis
6. Fratelli Tutti: Invigorating Inter-Faith Friendship
Agnelo Pinheiro
7. Writing a New Page of History (Ft §231)
Archbishop Thomas Menamparampil
8. Fraternity and Time in Pope Francis’ Fratelli Tutti
Ivo Coelho
9. Better Politics for a Better World
Ian Pinto
10. Fratelli Tutti: A Call to Authentic Witness
Cedric Prakash
11. Integral Ecology: Reading Pope Francis’ Laudato Si’ and Fratelli Tutti with Let Us Dream
Joaquim D’Souza
12. Women Fraternity and Social Friendship
Teresa Joseph
13. The Problem of War: Fratelli Tutti and Pope Francis
Ian Doulton
14. No Future Without Forgiveness: ‘Forgiveness’ seen from a Multi-religious Perspective with Insights from Fratelli Tutti
Banzelao Julio Teixeira
15. Fake News and Fraternity: Combating Fake News in the Light of the Teachings of Pope Francis and Fratelli Tutti
Mylin Noronha
16. Fratelli Tutti and José J. Mendoza: Issues and Responses to the Migrant Crisis
Ajoy Fernandes
17. Fratelli Tutti and the Great Reset
Howard Richards
18. Fratelli Tutti and Colorful Fruit to be Borne
James Duffy
19. Fraternity and M. K. Gandhi’s Ideal of Sarvodaya
Arnald Mahesh Irudhayadhason
20. “We Can’t Change the World, But We Can Build a School in Cambodia”: The Relevance of Amartya Sen’s Ideas of Justice to Fratelli Tutti
Joe Tony Previnth
21. Salesian Youth Ministry in the Light of ‘‘Final Document—Letter to Young People’’ and ‘Fratelli Tutti’
Glen Lowe
22. Fratelli Tutti and Salesian Formation
Silvio Roggia


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