TY - BOOK AU - Summerson, Andrew J TI - Divine Scripture and Human Emotion in Maximus the Confessor: Exegesis of the Human Heart SN - 9789004445963 U1 - B45 PY - 2020/// CY - Leiden, Bosten PB - Brill N1 - Maximus the Monk, the Interpreter of Tradition, The Doctrinal Shadow over Ad Thalassium, The false Distinction between scripture and Ascetismin the interpretation of Ad Thalassium, Exegetical Discernment of the passions and Apatheia, Divine Apatheia, Christian Apatheia in Clement and Origen: The problem of desire, Gregory of Nyssa and Evagrius: Using Emotions well , Conclusion, The passions in quaestiones ad Thalassium: the Ascetic unity of the Biblical Questions, Exegesis of the human heart: Perspectives from the introductions, The problem of passions And Maximus`s Exegetical Response, The ignorance of God and the interpretive problem for the spiritual life, Ignorance of God as th Midwife of the Passions, Apatheia as salutary ignorance and its relationship to defication, Christ: the Snake Charmer of Human passibility, The principle Metaphor of Ad thalassium, The christological Overtones of the Metaphor, Participation in Christ`s death as Medical remedy for the sin, The interaction of the personal and Theoretical in Ad Thalassium, Fear: the teacher of eternal awe, Between christian and Stotic fear, Vicious fear and wise caution, Clement and Origen: Discerning the Boundaries between virtuous and vicious fear, Gregory of Nyssa and Origen: fear as a threat to Epekstasis, Evagrius and the Monastic value of fear, Concluding assessments on the prior tradition of on fear, The Ascetic background of Maximus teaching on fear, Temporal and eternal fear in Ad Thalassium, The consequences of Maximus teaching on fear for his Christology, A grief observed from th horizon of eternity, Stoic grief and the value temporary remorse, Clement of Alexandria and Mercy as beneficence, Gregory of Nyssa and the Complexity of reasonable grief, Evagrius and the correct observance of compunction, The art of "suffering well" and "Godly Grief" in Maximus Ascetic theology, Voluntary and Involuntary grief in Ad Thalassium, The Eschatological consequences of Maximus`s teaching on grief, The relationshop between love and Eschatological Apatheia, Stotic and Platonic and Philanthropia: the Providential care of the Universe, The personalization and Philanthropia of Christ in Clement and Origen, The Ecstatic dimension of divine philanthropia in Dionysius, Philanthropia of Christ in Ad Thalassium, Agape- Paul`s superior apostolic charism, Love: Unifying the fractured human Psyche, Transfigured eros of the human soul, God`s Eros in Ad Thalassium, Eros, Apatheia, and Ever-moving Repose, Bibliography, Primary Sources:Maximus the Confessor, Primary Sources: Early Christian Authors, Primary sources: other ancient authors, Secondary studies, Index ER -