Bianchi, Enea

The Philosophy of Mario Perniola: From Aesthetics to Dandyism - London Bloomsbury Academic 2022 - 251p

Part 1,
The suicide of literature,
Perniola`s youthful manifesto: towards a strong feeling ,
The Metanovel,
The Dogma of spontaneity: social media, and the culmination of the Romantic project,
Perniola`s storiette, or, literature after death,
To love or smash images? The dimension of the Simulacrum ,
The Roman Aesthetics of simulacre,
Guy debord and fake news,
The Jesuit- Barque tradition and the internet of things,
Action at he end of action: Rituals without Myths,
Against the anti-ritual tradition,
Perniola`s expanded epoche,
The ritual in ancient Roman religion,
The difference of the Catholic feeling,
Perniola versus Heidegger and weak thought,
George Bryan Brummell: the ritual clothing,
Brummell`s assault on fashion,
Sprezzatura, je ne sais quoi subtlety,
Neither aristocracy nor the bourgeoisie,
Romantic history versus dandy storietta,
Dandyism and the simulacrum of death,
What is it like to be a thing?,
Our relationship with things,
Neutral dimensions, vibrating stones,
Turning oneself into mirror,
Uncanny, radiating and intense things,
A Queering Agency: Perniola`s The sex appeal of the inorganic,
The sexual big bang and the limits of orgasm,
Post-rock, suspended entities, perversions,
The transit or how to endlessly multiply genders and sexes,
Beauty is like a blade: Towards a Strategic Theory of Aesthetics Stoicism or beauty as action,
Making unlawful matches between things: Baltasar Gracian`s Baroque,
Charles Baudelaire: Greatness without convictions,
To each age its beauty,
Perniola`s aesthetic horizon and Baudelaire`s anti-aesthetics,
Dandies, mirrors, blackness,
Getting rid of nature,
The Artistic alienation and the situationist International,
Art must be killed,
Guy Debord`s dandyism,
A shadow and its art,
Art and psychosis,
The excessive remainder of the artwork,
Oscar Wilde: the In-Between Dandy,
Recurrent dandy ideas in Oscar Wilde,
The subversion of writing,
Dandyism and queerness,
Mona Lisa vamp,


N95 / B470