Lee, Jaemin

Artificial Intelligence and International Law - Singapore Springer 2022 - 261p

The Advent of AI and its present and future Application,
Definition of AI,
Current status of the Development of AI,
Current status of the utilization of AI,
United States,
European Union,
South Korea,
Evolving Debates on AI,
Benefits from AI,
Concerns over risks and side effects,
Utilization of AI in the Future,
AI`s impacts on the society and human behavior,
AI as a tool for human activities,
AI without human intervention,
New issues raised by AI,
Philosophical questions,
Ethical Questions,
Technological questions,
Legal Questions,
AI`s implication for international Law,
Increase of conflicts among States,
Lack of applicable Norms,
Subjects of International Law,
State/Government and AI,
Natural persons and Ai,
Corporations and AI,
Objects of International Law,
New items regulated by international law,
Treaty conclusion,
Specific issues under International Law,
Protection of Human Rights,
Expansive utilization of personal information and possible invasion of privacy,
Displacement from workplace and employment,
Infringement on Sovereignty of other place,
Collection and processing of information of other countries,
Creation of new value from collected information,
Easier and broader monitoring of other Countries
State responsibility,
State Action using AI,
Cross-Border impact in a New Legal Dimension,
Application of Attribution Rules under 2001 ILC Draft Articles,
In case of State Actors,
New challenges and pending questions,
Dispute Settlement proceedings,
Utilization of AI Adjudicators,
Analysis of Precedents and Jurisprudence,
Evidentiary materials,
Law of War,
Utilization of AI in Hostile Activities,
Killer Robots,
Deepening North-South Divide,
Developing Countries in a Disadvantages position,
Capacity building projects,
Legal Vaccum to regulate AI,
Gaps between AI and Legal Norms,
The Growing gaps between Norm and reality in the Digital Age,
Recent Treaties including AI provisions,
Possible consideration of Treaties and Institutions,
United Nations Educational , Scientific and Cultural Organizations,(UNESCO),
United Nations Development Programme, (UNDP),
Food and Agriculture Organization, (FAQ),
International Labour Organization (ILO),
World Bank Group,
Organization foe Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
World Trade Organization(WTO),
World Intellectual Property Organization(WIPO),
Topics to be covered by Prospective Treaties,
Extraterritorially Zones of personal Information,
Extended Domestic Jurisdiction for ICT Companies,
Digital Trade Treaties,
The Increasing importance of Data and Information,
Outdated Provisions,
Information`s close Relevance to National Security,
AI`s relevance to National Security,
Shattered multilateralism in the age of AI,


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