Avis, Paul

The Oxford Handbook of Ecclesiology - United Kingdom Oxford University Press 2022 - 649p

Introduction to Ecclesiology,
Paul Avis,
Part 1,
Biblical Foundations,
The Ecclesiology of Israel`s Scriptures,
R.W. L. Moberly,
The Church in the Synoptic Gospels and the Acts,
Loveday C.A. Alexander,
The Johannine Vision of the Church,
Andrew T. Lincoln,
The Shape of the Pauline Churches,
Edward Adams,
The Church in the General Epistles,
Gerald O`Collines SJ,
Part 2,
Resources from the Tradition,
Early Ecclesiology in the West,
Mark Edwards,
The Eastern Orthodox Tradition,
Andrew Louth,
Medieval Ecclesiology and the Conciliar Movement,
The Church in the Magisterial Reformers,
Dorothea Wendebourg,
Anglican Ecclesiology,
Paul Avis,
Roman Catholic Ecclesiology from the Council of Trent,
Ormond Rush,
Baptist Conceptsof the Church and their Antecedents,
Paul S. Fiddes,
Methodism and the Church,
David M. Chapman,
Pentecostal Ecclesiologies,
Amos Yong,
Part 3,
Major Modern Ecclesiologists,
Karl Barth,
Kimlyn J. Bender,
Yves Congar,
Gabriel Flynn,
Henri de Lubac,
Gabriel Flynn,
Karl Rahner,
Richard Lennan,
Joseph Ratzinger,
Theodor Dieter,
John Zizioulas,
Paul McPartlan,
Wolfhart Pannenberg,
Friederike Nussel,
Rowan Williams,
Mike Higton,
Part 4,
Contemporary Movements in Ecclesiology,
Feminist Critiques, Visions, and Models of the Church,
Elaine Graham,
Social Science and Ideological Critiques of Ecclesiology,
Neil Ormerod,
Liberation Ecclesiologies with special references to Latin America,
Michelle A. Gonzalez,
Asian Ecclesiologies,
Simon Chan,
African Ecclesiologies,
tan Chu Ilo


C27 / AV560