TY - BOOK AU - Aune, David E TI - Word Biblical Commentary: Vol.52A: Revelation 1-5 SN - 9780310521778 U1 - BC01 PY - 1997/// CY - Grand Rapids, Michigan PB - Zondervan N1 - Section 1: Authorship Section 2: Date Section 3: Genre Section 4: Literary Structure Section 5: Source Criticism Section 6: Text Section 7: Syntax Section 8: Vocabulary TEXT AND COMMENTARY The Inscription I. Prologue (1:1-8) A. Title: The Revelation of Jesus Christ (1:1-2) B. Beatitude (1:3) C. Epistolary Prescript (1:4-5c) Excursus 1A: The Tripartite Divine Name in the Targumim Excursus 1B: The Spirit in Revelation D. Doxology (1:5d-6) E. Two Prophetic Oracles (1:7-8) II. John's Vision and Commission (1:9-3:22) A. Vision of "One like a Son of Man" (1:9-20) Excursus 1C: The "Angels" of the Seven Churches Excursus ID: The Tripartite Prophecy Formula Excursus 1E: The Number Seven B. Proclamations to the Seven Churches (2:1-3:22) 1. The Proclamation to Ephesus (2:1-7) Excursus 2A: The Nicolaitans 2. The Proclamation to Smyrna (2:8-11) Excursus 2B: Anatolian Jewish Communities and Synagogues Excursus 2C: Ancient Wreath and Crown Imagery 3. The Proclamation to Pergamon (2:12-17) Excursus 2D: Eating Food Sacrificed to Idols 4. The Proclamation to Thyatira (2:18-29) 5. The Proclamation to Sardis (3:1-6) 6. The Proclamation to Philadelphia (3:7-13) 7. The Proclamation to Laodicea (3:14-22) Excursus 34: The Sayings of Jesus in Revelation III. The Disclosure of God's Eschatological Plan (4:1-22:9) A. John's Heavenly Ascent (4:1-2a) B. The Sovereignty of God, the Investiture of the Lamb, and the First Six Seals (4:2b-7:17) 1. Vision of the Heavenly Throne Room (4:2b-5:14) a The Heavenly Worship of God (4:2b-11) Excursus 4A: The Tumty-Four Elders Excursus 48: Hymns in Revelation Excursus 4C: The Cosmology of Ancient Ascent Narratives b. The Investiture of the Lamb (5:1-14) Excursus 5A: Christ as the Lamb 2. The Lamb Breaks the First Six Seals (6:1-17) Excursus 6A: Ancient Prodigies and the Plagues of Revelation 3. The Protective Sealing of the 144,000 (7:1-17) Excursus 7A: Marking, Branding, and Tattooing in the Ancient World Excursus 7B: The Order of the Tribes in Rev 7:4-8 C. The Seventh Seal and the First Six Trumpets (8:1-11:14) 1. The Seventh Seal (8:1) 2. Vision of the First Six Trumpets (8:2-9.21) 3. The Angel and the Little Scroll (10:1-11) 4. The Temple and the Two Witnesses (11:1-14) D. The Seventh Trumpet and the Seven Bowls (11:15-16:21) 1. The Seventh Trumpet (11:15-18) 2. The Woman, the Child, and the Dragon (11:19-12:17) Excursus 12A: Michael the Archangel 3. The Two Beasts (12:18-13:18) Excursus 128: The Commandments of God and the Torah Excursus 13A: The Nero Redux or Redivivus Legend Excursus 13B: The Eschatological Antagonist Excursus 13C: 666 and Gematria Excursus 13D: The Provincial League (Koinon) of Asia Excursus 13E: The Roman Imperial Cult in Asia Minor 4. Visions of Eschatological Salvation and Judgment (14:1-20) Excursus 14A: Celibacy in Antiquity 5. The Seven Bowls (15:1-16:21) Excursus 16A: Rome and Parthia E. Revelations of the Judgment of Babylon (17:1-19:10) 1. Introduction to the Revelations (17:1-2) Excursus 17A: The Biography of the Beast 2. The Allegorical Vision of Babylon as the Great Whore (17:3-18) 3. The Destruction of Babylon (18:1-24) Excursus 178: Alternate Ways of Counting the Roman Emperors 4. Heavenly Throne Room Audition (19:1-8) 5. Concluding Angelic Revelation (19:9-10) F. The Final Defeat of God's Remaining Foes (19:11-21:8) 1. The Divine Warrior and His Conquests (19:11-21) 2. The Final Defeat of Satan (20:1-10) 3. Vision of the Judgment of the Dead (20:11-15) Excursus 20A: The Temporary and the Eternal Kingdom 4. The Transition to the New Order (21:1-8) G. The Vision of the New Jerusalem (21:9-22:9) 1. Introduction to the Vision (21:9-10b) 2. The Seer Visits the New Jerusalem (21:10c-22:5) 3. Transitional Conclusion (22:6-9) Excursus 21A: Jerusalem and the Temple in Early Judaism and Early Christianity Excursus 21B: Ancient Utopias and the Paradise Myth IV. Epilogue (22:10-21) A. Concluding Parenesis (22:10-20) B. Epistolary Postscript (22:21) The Subscription ER -