Sahay, Vijay S.

Anthropological Thought: From Evolutionism to Postmodernism and Beyond - New Delhi Rawat Publications 2024 - 316p

1. Introduction
What are Theories?
Why Anthropological Theory?
2. Anthropological Ideas in Historical Perspective
The Greek and Roman Philosophers, Sophists, and Stoics
The Middle Age of the Church Fathers
Anthropology during Renascence
Anthropology and Enlightenment
3. Evolutionism
Basic Tenets of Evolutionism
Christoph Meiners
Gustav Klemm
Sir Henry James Sumner Maine
Johan Ferguson McLennan
Theodor Waitz
Adolf Philipp Wilhelm Bastian
Johann Jacob Bachofen
Herbert Spencer
Lewis Henry Morgan
Sir Edward Burnett Tylor
Robert Randolph Marett
Sir James George Frazer
Criticisms of the 19th Century Evolutionism
4. Diffusionism: British, German and American
Basic Tenets of Diffusionism
British Diffusionism / Pan-Egyptology
Grafton Elliot Smith
William James Perry
W.H.R. Rivers
German Diffusionism / Kulturkries
Friedrich Ratzel
Leo Frobenius
Fritz Graebner
Wilhelm Schmidt
American Diffusionism / Culture Area Approach
Culture Area Study is an Approach
Clark Wissler
Alfred Louis Kroeber
5. Historical Particularism of Franz Boas
What is Historical Particularism?
Why There is No 'Boas School'?
Boas on Evolutionism and Comparative Method
6. British Social Anthropology:
Structure-Functionalism and Functionalism
Emile Durkheim
A.R. Radcliffe-Brown
E.E. Evans-Pritchard
Talcott Parsons
Robert K. Merton
Bronislaw Kasper Malinowski
Radcliffe-Brown and Malinowski Brawl
7. in Anthropology
Ruth Fulton Benedict
Culture and Personality/Psychological School
Sigmund Freud
Margaret Mead
Ralph Linton
Abram Kardiner
Cora Du Bois
Is Buddha not the Founder of the Psychological School
in Anthropology?
Buddha on Mind and Body
8. Neo-Evolutionism
V. Gordon Childe
Julian Steward
Leslie A. White
9. Structuralism: Claude Levi-Strauss and Prague
School of Linguistics
The Important Books by Levi-Strauss
Understanding Claude Levi-Strauss
Prague School of Linguistics
Levi-Strauss' Structural Analyses of Culture and Myth
Alliance Theory
Mechanical Model and Statistical Model
Edmund Leach
10 New Ethnography
Emic and Etic Studies
Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis
Cognitive Anthropology
Componential Analysis
Controlled Eliciting and Formal Analysis:
Anthropology of Symbolism
Clifford James Geertz
11 Materialist Theories in Anthropology
Historical Materialism
Cultural Materialism: Marvin Harris
Human Materialism: Paul J. Magnarella
12. Postmodernism and Beyond
Postmodernism in Anthropology
Critical Anthropology
Public Anthropology
Business Anthropology
13. Postscript


P16 / Sa194