Epp, Eldon Jay

Perspectives on New Testament Textual Criticism: Collected Essays, 1962-2004 - Leiden Brill 2005 - 849p - Supplements to Novum Testamentum - 116 .

Chapter One The "Ignorance Motif" in Acts and
Anti-Judaic Tendencies in Codex Bezae
Chapter Two Coptic Manuscript G67 and the Rôle of
Codex Bezae as a Western Witness in Acts
Chapter Three The Claremont Profile Method for
Grouping New Testament Minuscule Manuscripts
Chapter Four The Twentieth Century Interlude in New
Testament Textual Criticism
Chapter Five Toward the Clarification of the Term
"Textual Variant"
Chapter Six The Eclectic Method in New Testament
Textual Criticism: Solution or Symptom?
Chapter Seven New Testament Textual Criticism in
America: Requiem for a Discipline
Chapter Eight A Continuing Interlude in New Testament
Textual Criticism?
Chapter Nine The Ascension in the Textual Tradition of
Chapter Ten Decision Points in Past, Present, and Future
New Testament Textual Criticism
Chapter Eleven New Testament Textual Criticism Past,
Present, and Future: Reflections on the Alands' Text of
the New Testament
Chapter Twelve The New Testament Papyrus
Manuscripts in Historical Perspective
Chapter Thirteen The Significance of the Papyri for
Determining the Nature of the New Testament Text in
the Second Century: A Dynamic View of Textual
Chapter Fourteen New Testament Papyrus Manuscripts
and Letter Carrying in Greco-Roman Times
Chapter Fifteen The Papyrus Manuscripts of the
New Testament
Chapter Sixteen The International Greek New
Testament Project: Motivation and History
Chapter Seventeen Textual Criticism in the Exegesis of
the New Testament
Chapter Eighteen The New Testament Papyri at
Oxyrhynchus in Their Social and Intellectual Context
Chapter Nineteen The Codex and Literacy in Early
Christianity and at Oxyrhynchus: Issues Raised by
Harry Y. Gamble's Books and Readers in the Early Church
Chapter Twenty The Multivalence of the Term "Original
Text" in New Testament Textual Criticism
Chapter Twenty-One Issues in the Interrelation of New
Testament Textual Criticism and Canon
Chapter Twenty-Two Issues in New Testament Textual
Criticism: Moving from the Nineteenth Century to the
Twenty-First century
Chapter Twenty-Three Anti-Judaic Tendencies in the
D-Text of Acts: Forty Years of Conversation
Introduction to the Presidential Address
Chapter Twenty-Four The Oxyrhynchus New
Testament Papyri: "Not without honor except in their


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