Puller, Frederick W

The Anointing of the Sick in Scripture and Tradition: With Some Considerations on the Numbering of the Sacraments: Vol.77 - London Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge 1904 - 416p

Chapter 1. The Teaching of Holy Scripture
Chapter 2. The Witness of the Father as to the Meaning of the Jaoobean Passage about Unotion
Chapter 3. The Witness of the Liturgies
Chapter 4. Historical Instances of the Administration of Unotion to the Sick
Chapter 5. A Conjecture about the History of the Evolution of the Sacramental Theory of the Unotion of The Sick
Chapter 6. The Divergent Views of the Defenders of the Sacramental Theory
Chapter 7. An Objection Based on the Septen A RY Number of the Sacraments
Chapter 8. Three Minor Objections


D64 / P967