Dorr, Donal

Option for the Poor and for the Earth: Catholic Social Teaching - Maryknoll, New York ORBIS Books 2012 - 522p

1. Context
2. Pope Leo XIII and Rerum novarum
3. Pius XI and a New Social Order
4. Pius XII: Anticommunism and Decolonization
Section 1: Anticommunism and Moderated Capitalism
Section II: From Colonialism to International Development
5. Pope John XXIII-A New Direction?
Section I: A Supporter of the Status Quo?
Section II: A Change of Direction
6. Vatican II: Another Agenda
7. Paul VI on the Progress of Peoples
8. Medellín and Octogesima adveniens
Section 1: The Documents of Medellín
Section II: Octogesima adveniens: A Shift to Politics
9. The 1971 Synod: "Justice in the World"
10. Synod 1974: Evangelii nuntiandi and Liberation
11. John Paul II: An Integral Humanism
12. An Encyclical on Work and Solidarity
13. Concern and Consolidation
Section I: Many Concerns
Section II: The Centenary Encyclical
14. Women: Justice, Equality, and Complementarity
15. Deus caritas est and Catholic Charitable and Development
16. Caritas in veritate and an "Economy of Communion"
17. Reactions and Follow-up to Caritas in veritate
Section I: Reactions and Responses to the Encyclical
Section II: A Document from the Pontifical Council
for Justice and Peace
18. Integral Humanism and Anthropocentric Ecology
19. Evaluation


C29.8 / D737