Zizioulas, John D

Communion and Otherness: Further Studies in Personhood and the Church - London T & T Clark 2009 - 315p

Chapter 1 On Being Other: Towards an Ontology of Otherness
Chapter 2 On Being a Person: Towards an Ontology of Personhood
Chapter 3 The Father as Cause: Personhood Generating Otherness
Chapter 4 The Trinity and Personhood: Appreciating the Cappadocian Contribution
Chapter 5 Pneumatology and the Importance of the Person: A Commentary on the Second Ecumenical Council
Chapter 6 Human Capacity and Human Incapacity: A Theological Exploration of Personhood
Chapter 7 Created and Uncreated: The Existential Significance of Chalcedonian Christology
Chapter 8 The Church as the `Mystical` Body of Christ: Towards an Ecclesial Mysticism


C15.1 / Z699