TY - BOOK AU - Ayuban, Elias L. AU - TI - Canonical Issues Related to Religious Life: 200 Practical Questions and Answers SN - 8187804882 U1 - G54.2 23 PY - 2006/// CY - Bangalore PB - Claretian Publications N1 - includes index and biblioraphy; RELIGIOUS INSTITUTES, HOUSES, AND PROVINCES 1 Religious Institutes 1 What is a religious institute? 1 What do "charismatic" and "canonical foun¿dations" of a religious institute mean? 3 What are religious Orders and congrega¿tions; solemn and simple vows? 4 What is the difference between a clerical and a lay institute? 5 What are exempt and non-exempt insti¿tutes? 6 What are institutes of pontifical and dioc¿esan rights? 7 What does the phrase, "provided the Holy See has been consulted" in the context of the erec¿tion of a diocesan institute mean? 8 What exactly are the documents to be sent to the Holy See for the erection of an insti¿tute of diocesan right? 8 What is the minimum number of members required before an institute of diocesan right can be erected? 9 What is meant by "autonomy in religious institutes?" 10 Do the provisions in the New Code of Canon Law apply equally to men and women reli¿gious? 11 Religious Houses 11 How do we understand a religious house? 11 Who has the authority to erect a religious house? 12 Is the permission of the diocesan Bishop required in establishing a religious house? 13 Do the vicar general and the Episcopal vicars have the same competence to give such permission? 13 Is the consent of the diocesan Bishop needed in altering the "apostolate of a house?" 14 Is the consent of the diocesan Bishop re¿quired for the suppression of a house in his diocese? 14 What are the other juridical requirements for the erection of a house? 15 Are there other requirements for the erec¿tion of a house aside from the ones men¿tioned above? 16 What are the rights of a canonically erected house? 16 Religious Provinces 17 What is a religious province? 17 How are provinces erected? 19 What are the benefits in the division of an institute or the creation of a new prov¿ince? 20 Who is competent to erect, modify and sup¿press a province? 20 What is the minimum number of houses to erect a province? 21 THE AUTHORITY OF DIOCESAN BISHOPS OVER RELI¿GIOUS INSTITUTES 23 What is the meaning of the term "diocesan Bishop?" 24 With regard to works or ecclesiastical of¿fices entrusted or conferred to religious, what is the authority of diocesan Bishops and religious Superiors? 24 Can a diocesan Bishop forbid a religious to remain in his diocese? 25 What is the authority of diocesan Bishops over institutes of diocesan right? 25 What is the authority of diocesan Bishops over autonomous monasteries? 27 GOVERNANCE IN RELIGIOUS INSTITUTES 28 A. Religious Superiors 28 What does the term "religious Superiors" mean in the new Code? 29 Does the Code also understand power in the light of the three-fold office of the Church following the teaching of Mutuae relationes? 30 Does the Code understand power and au¿thority in terms of service? 31 What does "personal authority" of religious Superiors mean and how is it exercised? 31 How do you reconcile "personal authority" with "participative governance?" 32 How are religious Superiors different from ecclesiastical Superiors? 32 What is the authority of the Pope over reli¿gious and religious institutes? 33 What is the authority of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and So¿cieties of Apostolic Life (CICLSAL) over con¿secrated and religious institutes? 34 What is the authority of the Holy See over consecrated and religious institutes pro¿vided in the Code of 1917 and retained in the Code of 1983? 36 What are the areas of competence of the Holy See over consecrated and religious institutes not provided in the Code of 1917 but are present in the Code of 1983? 38 What are the qualifications of Superiors in the universal law? 39 What is meant by "suitable time after per¿petual profession?" 40 So, brothers cannot be Superiors in cleri¿cal institutes? 40 How are religious Superiors desig¿nated? 42 What is meant by "election?" 42 ER -