Ward, James

A Study of Kant and a Lecture on Kant - New York GARLAND PUBLISHING 1922 - 206p

includes index and biblioraphy

The Man: his Nature and Nurture . . 1-6 His early interest in physical problems . . 6¿8 His first philosophical work: Principiorum pri- morum cognitienis metaphysicae nova dilucidatio . 8¿13 Short treatises with an empirical trend . . X3~27 The Inaugural Dissertation: De mundisensibilis et intelligibilis forma atque principiis . 28¿32 Transition from the Dissertation to the Critique 33~4J Kritik der reinen Fernunft: (a) The first project and its preparation ..... 41¿46 (b) The cardinal problem: the transcendental ``Deduction`` of the Categories .... 47~59 Kant as the Copernicus of Epistemology. . 59~ 2 , The fundamental principles of the pure Xinder- standing ....... 62¿74 The Copernican Standpoint not sustained . 74~79 What remains ...... 79-86 Kant`s system a philosophical anthropomorphism 8 7¿94 The Critique of the Judgment . . . 94¿101 The Esthetical Judgment .... 101-109 The Teleological Judgment: (i) the Analytic, (a) the Purposiveness of Nature . . . 110-120 Analytic, (b) the Principle of Teleology . ¿ . 121-124 (2) The Dialectic, the Idea prescribed by Reason ....... 125-128 Teleology and Theology .... 128-131 Summary .... ... 132¿139 ¿ 21. The Doctrine of Inner Sense: (a) in the ./Esthetic ....... 139-149 ¿22. (V) in the Analytic ..... 149-155 ¿23. (<:) in the Dialectic ..... 156-163 ¿24. Kant`s treatment of the resulting problem . 163¿174 ¿25. The Idea of Freedom . .... 174-179 Dualism of Theoretical and Practical Reason . 179-185 ¿ 27. The Concrete Individual 185-189 ¿28. Religion within the bounds of mere reason. . 189¿190 ¿29. Man`s native Capacities .... 191-196 ¿ 30. Human Nature as radically bad . . . 196-202 index ........ 203-206

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