Smith, Norman Kemp

A Commentary to Kant`s Critique of Pure Reason - New York Humanities Press 1962 - 651p

includes index and biblioraphy

1. The Nature of the a priori .... 2. Kant`s Contribution to the Science of Logic 3. The Nature of Consciousness 4. Phenomenalism, Kant`s Substitute for Subjectivism 5. The Distinction between Human and Animal Intelli¿ gence ...... 6. The Nature and Conditions of Self-Consciousness 7. Kant`s threefold Distinction between Sensibility, Under¿ standing, and Reason .... 8. The place of the Critique of Pure Reason in Kant`s Philosophical System .... THE CRITIQUE OF PURE REASON¿ Title ........ i Motto ........ 4 Dedication to Freiherr van Zcdlitz . . , .6 preface to the first edition .... 8 Comment on Preface , . . . .10 Dogmatism, Scepticism, Criticism . . . .13 preface to the second edition . . . .17 The Copernican Hypothesis . . . .22 Section II. time . . /Cants Views regarding the Nature of A hmcticnl Kant`s conflicting Views of Time . ` General Observations on the Transcendental Aesthetic The Distinct/an between Appearance ami lUuslon ¿ Kanfs Relation to Berkeley . The Paradox of Incongruous Counterpart5 ` Part II. the transcendental logic Introduction ....` ` I. Logic in General . II. Transcendental Logic . , ,` . ` III. The Division of General Logic .nt¿ Analyt.c and Dialectic . Division I. THE TRANSCENDENTAL ANALYT1 . v . Book I. the analytic of concepts Chapter I. the clue to the discovery of all pure concepts of the tjndi standing Section 1. The Logical Use of the Understanding . Comment on Kant`s Argu "` ` , ` Stages in the Develop 1 Kants Meta~ physical Deduction Section II. The Logical Function of the Understanding in Judgment . Section III. The Categories or P¿`e ConcePts ¿f the Understanding `.,,.` ` ,-, . ,. .. , , t nfical forms ana Distinction between -" Categories . xii CONTENTS introduction ¿ ¿ ¿ Comment upon the Argument of Kant`s How are Synthetic a priori Judgments The Analytic and Synthetic Methods Purpose and Scope of the Critique . Kanfs Relation to Hwne . Meaning of the term Transcendental the transcendental doctrine ¿F elements Part I. the transcendental aesthetic Definition of Terms ` Kant`s conflicting Views of Space . ` ` Section I. SPACE ... .. Attitude to the Problems of Modern Geometry xin CONTENTS Part II. the transcendental logic¿Continued. fAGE Chapter II. deduction of the pure concepts of the understanding . . . 202 Analysis of the Text: the Four Stages in the Develop¿ ment of Kant`s Views . . . 202-234 I. Enumeration of the Four Stages . . 203 II. Detailed Analysis of the Four Stages . . 204 Kant`s Doctrine of the Transcendental Object 204 III. Evidence yielded by the " Rejlcxioncn " and " Lose Blatter" in Support of the Analysis of the Text . . . . .231 IV. Connected Statement and Discussion of Kanfs Subjective and Objective Deductions in the First Edition . . . .234 Distinction between the Subjective and the Objective Deductions 235 The Subjective Deduction in its initial empirical Stages 245 Objective Deduction as given in the First Edition 248 7he later Stages of the Subjective Deduction . 263 / The Distinction between Phenomenalism and Sub¿ jectivism . . . . .270 Transcendental Deduction of tlie Categories in the Second Edition .284


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