Sabourin, Leopold

Christology Basic Texts in Focus - New York Alba House 1984 - 259p

includes index and biblioraphy

THE NEW TESTAMENT.. ............... .3 Introduction to Part One ................................ 3 Jewish Hellenistic and Gentile Hellenistic ChristologicaJ Approaches .... .4 Influence of Oriental Cults and Myths ................ .5 TEXTS REFLECTING EARLY PALESTINIAN CHR1STOLOGY......................... .9 Jesus as Servant and Prophet like Moses in the Kerygma . .9 Jesus as the Son ofMan ........................... JO Texts Connected with Other Early Palestinian Titles .... IJ CHR1STOLOG1CAL TEXTS FROM "Q" .... 15 Introducing "Q" ................................. 15 Baptize with Fire (Lk 3:16; Mt 3:11).................. 17 "If you are the Son of God" (Lk 4:3, 9; Mt 4:3,6,) ....... 18 Calling Jesus "Lord, Lord" (Lk 6:46; Mt 7:2If) ........ 19 John and Jesus (Lk 7:18-35; Mt 1 J:2-J9) ............. .20 Following the Son of Man (Lk 9:58; Mt 8:20) ......... .22 Christology of Superiority: Jonah and Solomon (Lk 11:29-32: Mt 12:39-41) The Future Son of Man (Lk 12:8; Mt 10:32) ........... .26 Christological Traits in Q ......................... .27 CHRIST IN THE MARK AN TRADITION . . .29 The Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God (Mk 1:1).... .31 The Father`s Beloved Son (Mk 1:11) ................ .32 "The Holy One of God" (Mk 1:24) ................. .34 Jesus as Bridegroom (Mk 2:19-20) ...................35 " You Are the Son of God" (Mk 3:11) ................37 "The StrongerOne" (Mk 3:27) .................... .38 "Who then is This One?" (Mk4:41) .................39 "Who do men say that I am?" (Mk 8:27) ..............41 "The Son of Man Must Suffer" (Mk 8:31).. .......... .42 The Rebuke of Peter (Mk 8:32-33) ...................43 "Listen to Him" (Mk 9:7). .........................44 The Ransom Saying (Mk 10:45) .....................45 "Son of David" (Mk 10:47) ........................47 "Nor the Son" (Mk 13:32) .........................49 Truly the Son of God (Mk 15:39) ....................51 Conclusion ......................................52 THE PRE-EXISTENCE OF CHRIST AND HIS SELF-UNDERSTANDING.................53 Christ Pre-existent ...............................53 "First-Born of All Creation" ................... .54 Pre-existent Son of God ........................ .55 The Son Who Was Sent .........................58 The E/r/zon-Sayings ............................59 A Pre-existent Jesus? ...........................60 Jesus` Self-Understanding .........................62 Four Sayings in Mark ..........................63 Son of the Father ............................. .66 The Hymn of Jubilation and Other Texts ...........67 Conclusion ...................................69 CHRISTOLOGY IN THE LUCAN WRITINGS 71 He Will Be Called "Son of God" (Lk 1:35) ........... .71 " A Savior, Who Is Christ Lord" (Lk 2:11) ............73 "I Must Be in my Father`s House" (Lk 2:49)...........75 "No Prophet is Acceptable in His Own Country" (Lk4:24) ...................76 Again Jesus as Prophet (Lk 9:51; 11:29-32) ............78 Departure from Galilee (Lk 13:33) ...................80 "The Lord Has Need of it" (Lk 19:31)................80 "Blessed Is the King" (Lk 19:38)....................82 Three Titles in Lk 22:67-70 .........................83 "Made Lord and Christ" (Ac 2:36) ..................84 "The Church of God" (Ac 20:28) .................. .86 Conclusion ..................................... .87 DISTINCTIVE CHRISTOLOGICAL TRAITS IN MATTHEW ...........................89 The Son of David, the Son of Abraham (1:1) ...........89 "Who is Called Christ" (1:16) ......................91 "Out of Egypt I have called my Son" (2:15) ...........92 "Truly You Are the Son of God" (14:33) ............ .93 The Son of Man with His Angels (16:27) ............. .95 Judging, as a Shepherd (25:32) ..................... .96

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