Rosenberg, Alex

Philosophy of Science A Contemporary Introduction - 3th ed. - London Routledge 2012 - 308p

includes index and biblioraphy

1 Philosophy and Science I
Overview I
What Is Philosophy? I
Philosophy and the Emergence of the Sciences 3
Science and the Divisions of Philosophy 5
What if There Are No Questions Left Over when Science Is Finished? 6
A Short History of Philosophy as the Philosophy of Science 8
2 Why Is Philosophy of Science Important? 21
Overview 21
Scientific Questions and Questions about Science 21
Modern Science Has Implications for Philosophy 24
The Cultural Significance of Science 30
Why Is Science the Only Feature of Western Culture Universally Adopted? 33
3 Scientific Explanation 39
Overview 39
Defining Scientific Explanation 40
The Role of Laws in Scientific Explanation 42
The Covering Law Model 45
Problems for the Covering Law Model 48
A Competing Conception of Scientific Explanation 53
Why Do Laws Explain?
What Is a Law of Nature?
Counterfactual Support as a Symptom of the Necessity of Laws
Counterfactuals and Causation
Coming to Grips with Nomic Necessity
Denying the Obvious?
Causation, Inexact Laws and Statistical Probabilities
Causes as Explainers
Ceteris Par/bus Laws
Statistical Laws and Probabilistic Causes
Explanation as Unification
Laws and Explanations in Biology and the "Special Sciences"
Dissatisfaction with Causal Explanations
Proprietary Laws in the "Special Sciences"
Functional Laws and Biological Explanations
Explaining Purposes or Explaining Them Away?
From Intelligibility to Necessity
The Structure of Scientific Theories
How Do Theories Work? The Example of Newtonian Mechanics Theories as Explainers: The Hypothetico-Deductive Model The Philosophical Significance of Newtonian Mechanics and
Epistemic and Metaphysical Issues About Scientific Theories
Reduction, Replacement and the Progress of Science
The Problem of Theoretical Terms
Scientific Realism vs. Antirealism
9 Theory Construction vs. Model Building 161
Overview 161
Theories and Models 162
Semantic vs. Syntactic Approaches to Theories and Models 166
A Case Study: Darwin`s Theory of Natural Selection 169
Models and Theories in Evolutionary Biology 173
10 Induction and Probability
The Problem of Induction
Statistics and Probability to the Rescue?
How Much Can Bayes` Theorem Really Help?
Confirmation, Falsification, Underdetermination
Epistemological Problems of Hypothesis Testing
Induction as a Pseudo-Problem: Popper`s Gambit
2 Challenges from the History of Science
A Role for History in the Philosophy of Science?
New Paradigms and Scientific Revolutions
Are Scientific Research Programs Rational? 230
13 Naturalism in the Philosophy of Science 237
Overview 237
Quine and the Surrender of First Philosophy 237
Naturalism, Multiple Realizability and Supervenience 242
Naturalism`s Problem of Justification 248
14 The Contested Character of Science 253
Overview 253
Methodological Anarchism 254
The "Strong Program" in the Sociology of Scientific Knowledge 256
Postmodernism and the Science Wars 261
Does the Sokal Hoax Prove Anything? 263
Scientism, Sexism and Significant Truths 265
15 Science, Relativism and Objectivity 273
Overview 273
Relativism and Conceptual Schemes 273
Dealing with Incommensurability 277
Conclusion: The Very Idea of a Conceptual Scheme 281

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