Stump, J B

The Blackwell Companion to Science and Christianity - U K WILEY-BLACKWELL 2012 - 644p

includes index and biblioraphy

Historical Episodes Early Christian Belief in Creation and the Beliefs Sustaining the Modern Scientific Endeavor
Christopher B. Kaiser
The Copernican Revolution and the Galileo Affair
Maurice A. Finocchiaro
Women, Mechanical Science, and God in the Early Modern Period
Jacqueline Broad
Christian Responses to Darwinism in the Late Nineteenth Century
Peter J. Bowler
Science Falsely So Called: Fundamentalism and Science Edward B. Davis
How to Relate Christian Faith and Science
Mikael Stenmark
Nicholas Rescher
Feminist Philosophies of Science: Towards a Prophetic Epistemology
Lisa L. Stenmark
Practical Objectivity: Keeping Natural Science Natural
Alan G. Padgett
The Evolutionary Argument against Naturalism
Alvin Plantinga
Natural Theology
Arguments to God from the Observable Universe
Richard Swinburne
God of the Gaps" Arguments
Gregory E. Ganssle
Natural Theology after Modernism
J. B. Stump
Religious Epistemology Personified: God without Natural Theology
Paul K. Moser
Problems for Christian Natural Theology
Alexander R. Pruss and Richard M. Gale
Cosmology and Physics
Modern Cosmology and Christian Theology
Stephen M. Ban
Does the Universe Need God?
Sean Carroll
Does God Love the Multiverse?
Don N. Page
The Fine-Tuning of the Cosmos: A Fresh Look at Its Implications
Robin Collins
Quantum Theory and Theology
Rodney D. Holder
Creation and Evolution
Denis R. Alexander
Darwinism and Atheism: A Marriage Made in Heaven?
Michael Ruse
Creation and Evolutionary Convergence
Simon Con-way Morris
Signature in the Cell: Intelligent Design and the DNA Enigma
Stephen C. Meyer
Darwin and Intelligent Design
Francisco J. Ayala
Christianity and Human Evolution
John F. Haught
Christian Theism and Life on Earth
Paul Draper
The Human Sciences
Toward a Cognitive Science of Christianity
Justin L. Barren
The Third Wound: Has Psychology Banished the Ghost from the Machine? 335
Dylan Evans
Sociology and Christianity 344
John H. Evans and Michael S. Evans
Economics and Christian Faith 356
Robin J. Klay
Christian Bioethics
Shaping Human Life at the Molecular Level 371
James C. Peterson
An Inclusive Framework for Stem Cell Research 381
John F. Kilner
The Problem of Transhumanism in the Light of Philosophy and Theology 393
Philippe Gagnon
Ecology and the Environment 406
Lisa H. Sideris
Metaphysical Implications
Free Will and Rational Choice E. J. Lowe
Science, Religion, and Infinity Graham Oppy
God and Abstract Objects William Lane Craig
Laws of Nature Lydia Jaeger
The Mind
Christianity, Neuroscience, and Dualism J. P. Moreland
The Emergence of Persons WiHiam Hasker
Christianity and the Extended-Mind Thesis Lynne Rudder Baker
In Whose Image? Artificial Intelligence and the Imago Dei Noreen Herzfeld
How Science Lost Its Soul, and Religion Handed It Back Julian Baggini
The Trinity and Scientific Reality John Polkinghorne
God and Miracle in an Age of Science Alan G. Padgett
Eschatology in Science and Theology Robert John Russell
The Quest for Transcendence in Theology and Cosmology Alexei V. Nesteruk
Significant Figures of the Twentieth Century in Science and Christianity 565
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin James F. Salmon
Thomas F. Torrance Tapio Luoma
Arthur Peacocke Taede A. Smedes
lan G. Barbour Nathan J. Hallanger
Wolfhart Pannenberg Hans Schwarz
John Polkinghorne Christopher C. Knight

9781444335712 7380

C02.2 / ST955