David, Matthew

Science in Society - New York Palgrave 2005 - 199p

includes index and biblioraphy

An Introduction to Issues and Forebears
The Emergence of a Sociology of Science
Early Sociological Approaches
Three World Wars
Thomas Kuhn`s New Historical Approach to Science
The New, Radical and Divergent Sociologies of Science
The Perspective of This Book: Reflexive Epistemological Diversity 21
The Sociology of Science and Scientific Knowledge Today 21
The Move Towards a Study of Scientific Knowledge Itself 22
Dominant Perspectives within the Contemporary Sociology of Science 23
Internal and External Approaches 26
The Question of Attribution Beyond Appearance: Causes 27
Differences of Focus or Fundamentals: Reductionism, Epistemological
Diversity or Epistemological Chicken? 28
Non-paradigm Science or New Reflexive Paradigm? 31
The Value of Diversity 33
Reflexivity, Scepticism and Relativism: Risk, Trust and the Science Wars 33
Risk and Technoscience: The Fusion of Society, Science and Technology Today
The Colonization of Technology by Its Own Sub-field, Science
Science Is `In` Society
Science in Contemporary `Risk` Society?
Science in Society THEORETICAL APPROACHES Science and Institutional Interests: The Strong Programme and Beyond Introduction
An Illustrative Case
The Experimenter`s Regress: The Achilles` Heel of Science
Basic Principles
Is the Truth Out There? The Difference Between Oncological
and Epistemological Relativism If Social Influences Are Not Intrinsically Distortions, When Is
Critique Appropriate? Conclusions: Science in Society?
Science and Language/Interaction: Ethnography and Discourse
Critical Foundations
Talk and Text
Ethnography: Laboratory Life
Inside Out: Externalizing Devices
Ethnomethodological Imports - Variations on Indexicality and Reflexivity
Problems with Ethnography
ANT - Actor Network Theory?
Science and Capitalism: Critical Theory and Critical Realism
Introduction: Marx, Marxism and Science
Confronting the Ambiguous Legacy of Marxism
Dialectic of Enlightenment
The Later Frankfurt Scholars: Marcuse and Habermas
Marxism, Science and Anti-Science
Conclusions: Marxism - Critical and Realist Theory of Science
Science and Patriarchy: Women as Subjects/ Objects of Science
Hidden Lives
Science, Representation and the Control of Women`s Lives
New Feminist Epistemologies
Second Nature: Genetic Modification and Commodification
of the Non-Human 133
General Introduction to Sociology and the New Genetics 133
Genetic Modification of the Non-Human 134
Feminist Approaches 134
Marxist Approaches 136
Discursive Accounts 138
Social Interests 139
Combining Social Interests with Discourse Analysis 139
Combining Marxist and Discursive Perspectives 142
Human Nature? Human Behaviour and Genetic Determinism 144
Social Interests 145
Ethnographic and Discursive Approaches 145
Feminist Approaches and Its Links to Other Approaches 147
Marxist Research 150
Medical Genetics and Human Health 156
Social Interests 157
Discourse Analysis 158
Combining Feminist and Ethnographic Approaches 161
Combining a Feminist Standpoint and Discourse-Analytic Research 162
The Fusion of Marxist and Feminist Approaches 164
Marxist Approaches 165
Reflexive Epistemological Diversi

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