Vohs, Kathleen D

Self and Identity - 4 Vol. Set - New Delhi Sage Publications India Pvt. Ltd 2012 - 479p

includes index and biblioraphy

Vol. I
Self-Esteem and clarity of the Self-concept ..........1
Contingencies of Self-worth........27
Self-discrepancy: A theory relating self and affect.........95
The consciousness of Self...........143
Personality, modernity, and the stories self: A contemporary framework for studying persons..........227
Thinking about me: How social Awareness Evolved........275
Thinking about me: How Social Awareness evolved ..........275
Self-Reference and the Encoding of Personal Information..............283
The symbolic self in Evolutionary context...............301
The multiple motivated self..............345
Sympolic interactionist view of Self-concept: Through the looking glass darkly...............357
Objective self-awareness theory : Recent progress and enduring problems .............391
Illusion and well-being: A social Psychological Perspective on mental health...............415
The real self: From institution to Impulse ..........453
Human agency in social Cognitive theory.....1
The strength model of Self -Control.............21
Relation of threatened Egotism to violence and Aggression:The dark side of High self-esteem....31
Deviance regulation: A theory of Action and identity...................97
Origins and functions of Positive and negative affect: A control-process view..............147
Identity, belonging and Achievement: A model, Interventions, Implications ..............185
The what and why of goal pursuits: Human needs and the self-determination of Behavior..............195
Control of attributions about the self through self-handicapping strategies..............273
Is there any free choice? self and dissonance in two cultures...........283
Self-control: A function of knowing when and how to exercise restraint ............299
Achievement goals and intrinsic motivation: A meta -analytic Review..........309
Autobiographical Memory and Conceptions of Self: Getting better all the time ...........343
Understanding the role of the self in prime-to-Behavior effects: The active - self account...........351
Vol. III
Ingroup bias and self-esteem ..........1
The social Self..............33
Basking in Reflected Glory...........49
Interpersonal Influence on self-regulation...............65
A social Identity Theory of Leadership.............73
The individual within the group.....105
Self-Esteem as an interpersonal Monitor.....137
Culture and the Self..............165
Confusions of self with close others...............229
Implicit egotism..........251
The michelangelo phenomenon............261
Social Comparison: Why, with whom and with what effect ?..............271
Vol. IV
Moral Disengagement in the perpetration of Inhumanities .1
How the self became a problem ........31
Theat swimsuit becomes you.............63
Death, sex, love, and neuroticism: why is sex such a problem?......99
Narrative and the cultural psychology of Identity.....133
What the social brain sciences can tell us about the self.......183
Do people with low self-esteem really want to feel better?.....191
A self-awareness model of the causes and effects of alcohol consumption..............235
A meta-analysis of Heavyweight and self-esteem ..........259
Moral credentials and the expression of prejudice..........289
Social identity complexity..................313
Multimensional model of racial identity.........349
Accepting threatening information: Self- affirmation and the reduction of defensive biases..............389
on the plasticity of self-defense ......397
The psychological Consequences of Money ..........405

Vol. I
Self-Esteem and clarity of the Self-concept ..........1
Contingencies of Self-worth........27
Self-discrepancy: A theory relating self and a

9781446201183 14013

O41 / V869