Hassan, Robert

The New Media Theory Reader - Jaipur Rawat Publications 2017 - 326p

includes index and biblioraphy

Media Transitions ...............1
Lev Manovich: What is new Media? in the Language of New Media .................5
S D NOam Cook: Technological Revolutions and the Gutenberg Myth in Internet Dreams ...............11
Ithiel de sola Pool: A shadow darkens in Technologies of Freedom............19
David E. Nye: The consumer`s Sublime in American Technological Sublime ............27
Kevin Kelly: The computational Metaphor, whole earth, winter 1998...............39
Michael Marien : New Communications technology : A survey of Impacts and Issues, Telecommunications Policy, 20(5), PP. 375-387, 1996.........41
2. Governing new Media ...........63
David Saunders, Ian M. Hunder and Dugald Williamson: Historicising obsenity law in on Pornography: Literature , Sexuality and Obscenity law ................67
The Tragedy of Broadcast regulation in the Internet challenge to Television ...........72
Broadcasting policyin the digital Age in Charles M firestone and amy korzick Garmer ..............79
3. Properties and Commons ..................111
4. Politics of new media Technologies .............159
5. Time and Space in the age of Information .................221

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M70.1 / H275