Hetherington, Stephen

The Philosophy of Knowledge A History:- 4 Vol.Set - London Bloomsbury 2019 - 271p

includes index and biblioraphy

Vol. I
Sophia and Episteme in the Archaic and Classical periods .......11
Presocratic epistemology.................31
Epistemology in the sophists ......49
Socratic Epistemology ..........67
Epistemology in Plato`s Middle Dialogues ..........85
Plato`s Later Epistemology .....107
Aristotle : From perception to Understanding ......145
Epicurean epistemology ...........169
Epucurean Epistemology .........187
Stoic Epistemology.................187
Ancient scepticism ........205
Epistemologies in Neoplatonism .......223
Roman Epistemology............241

Vol. II
Avicenna on Knowledge ......9
Scientia in the Twelfth century...........35
Averroes on the Attainment of Knowledge .......59
Robert grosseteste on Demonstration ........81
Thomas Aquinas on Knowledge and Demonstration .......101
John Duns scotus on Knowledge ...........125
William Ockham on Testimonial Knowledge .....145
Nicholas of Autrecourt on Knowledge .......167
John Duns Scotus on Knowledge .............191
William Ockham on testimonial Knowledge ....145
Nicholas of Autrecourt on Knowledge ....167
John Buridan on Knowledge ......191
Knowledge and Scientia in two posterior analytics commentaries after Buridan: Albert of Saxony and John Mair ..............213
Sixteenth-Century Virtue Epistemology ..............233

Bacon ...7
Gassendi and Hobbes ......27
Descartes ........45
Spinoza .................63
Malebranche ......79
Locke .........111
Hume ...129
German Idealism .........165
Whewell, Mill, and the Birth of the Philosophy of Science ..............185

Pragmatism and Epistemology..............9
On our Epistemological Debt to moore and russell .......27
What knowledge is not: Reflections on Some uses of the Verb to Know ..........51
Naturalistic Descriptions of Knowledge .........69
Knowing the unobservable : Confirmation and theoretical virtues .......89
Social Knowledge and Social Norms ..111
Knowledge as Contextual ...............175
Knowledge and probability ........195
The analysis of Knowledge ...215
Conceiving of Knowledge in Modal Terms ............231
Knowledge and NOrmativity .......249
Intellectual Virtue and Knowledge ................269

Vol. I
Sophia and Episteme in the Archaic and Classical periods .......11
Presocratic epistemology.................31
Epistemology in the sophists ......49

9781474258876 6136

N16 / H471