Houtman, Dick

Things Religion and the Question of Materiality - New York Fordham University Press 2012 - 482p

includes index and biblioraphy

1. Anxieties about things
The modern fear of Matter : Reflections on the Protestantism of Victorian Science ...27
Things that matter: The Extra Calvinisticum, the Eucharist, and John Calvin`s Unstable Materially ..62
2. Images and Incarnations
From Stone to Flesh : The case of the Buddha .....77
Rhetoric of the Heart: Figuring the body in Devotion to the sacred Haert of Jesus .90
Idolatry: Nietzsche, Blake, and pousin ..112
Has this thing Appeared agian tonight: Deus ex Machina and other theoretical interventions of the Supernatural ...127
Portraits that matter: King chulalongkorn objects and the sacred world of thai -Ness.....137
3. Sacred Artifacts
Material Mobility versus Concentric Cosmology in the Sukkah: The house of the wandering jew or a Ubiquitous Temple....153
The Tasbirwol under attack......180
Miniatures and stones in the spiritual Economy of the Virgin of Urkupina in Bolivia ..........198
4. Bodily Fluids
Fluid matters : Gendering holy blood and holy milk ..215
When you see blood, It brings truth: Ritual and resistance in a time of war ....................232
5. Public Space
The structural Transformation of the Coffeehouse: Religion, Language, and the Public Sphere in the Modernizing muslim world ...267
The Affective power of the Face Veil : Between disgust and Fascination .....282
There is a Spirit in that Image :Mass-Produced Jesus pictures and Protestant - Pentecostal Animation in Ghana ........296
The FedEx saints: Patrons of Mobility and Speed in a Neoliberal City .....321
6. Digital Technologies
Enchantment, Inc: Online Gaming between Spiritual Experience and Commodity Fetishism ....339
In their own Image? Catholic, Protestant, and Holistic spiritual Appropriations of the Internet.............379

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