Thomas, Stephen.

The Juridical Status of the Society of Common Life According to the Manner of Religious : A Study of Canons 554-562 of CCEO / Stephen Thomas. - Romae : Pontificium Institutum Studiorum Orientalium ; 2007. - 236 p. ;

includes index and biblioraphy

the juridical status of the societies of common life according to the manner of religious in cceo `Societies of Common Life` according to CCEO C. 554¿1: Specific Elements..........................................................7 Subjection to the Roman Pontiff (C. 555)..................... 12 Erection of a SCLAMR (C. 556).................. 15 Suppression of a SCLAMR (c. 556).,.............................. 19 Governance in a SCLAMR (C. 557) ...............................22 General Synaxis of a sclamr (c. 512)..........................................25 General Council of a SCLAMR (C. 422)...............................29 Province in a SCLAMR (c. 508¿¿, 1-2) Houses in a SCLAMR (C. 556) Major Superiors in a SCLAMR (c. 554 ¿ 1)........... Observance of the Statutes.........................................66 Lawful Admission of the Members (C. 559¿1)............... 68 Formation of the Members (c. 559¿2)...................... 75 Ascription of the Members to the Institute (C. 560 ¿2).............79 Dimissorial Letters for Sacred Orders (C. 560¿1, 537¿2)......... 83 A Juridical Person C. 558¿1,423................................................. 92 Administration of the Property (CCEOC. 558¿¿1,2 )................95 Property of the Members (C. 558¿3)......................................... 103 Transfers C.562¿¿,l-2.........5 Dismissal from the sclamr CC. 562¿3,497,498,500-503, 552 109 Permission and Dispensation from Profession of BondS (c.562¿4).......................... 119 the juridical status of the sclamr in lus particulare of the society of the oblates of the sacred heart (Osn) kottayam The History and Evolution of the Society of OSH.............................125 The development of the Society of OSH in Various Periords..........................128 The Nature and Juridical Condition in Jus Particulare of the Society of OSH.......................

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