Periannan, S Sebastian

Social Research Methodology An Introduction - Chennai Department of Christian Studies, University of Madras 2010 - 216p - General Series; 201000ENGGPC1 .

includes index and biblioraphy

Chapter 1: Nature of Scientific Inquiry 1.1 Nature of Science and Scientific Inquiry 1.2 Major Paradigms and Epistemological Basis of Research 1.3 Characteristics of a Researcher 1.4 Research Ethics 1.5 Errors in Personal Human Inquiry 1.6 How, Where and When do I Start my Research 1.7 Writing the Research Proposal Chapter 2: Types of Research 2.1 What is Research 2.2 Scientific Research 2.3 Meaning of Inquiry 2.4 Forms of Research 2.5 Areas of Research 2.6 Few Examples of Various Researches 2.7 A General Procedure Chapter 3: Elements of Social Research 3.1 The Act of Defining the Terms 3.2 A Theory? 3.3 Purpose of Review of Related Literature 3.4 Understanding Theoretical Framework 3.5 Constructing Your Theoretical Framework 3.6 Constructing Your Conceptual Framework 3.7 Theoretical/Conceptual Framework Matrix Chapter 4: The Research Process 4.1 The Practice of Research 4.2 The Steps for Research Question 4.3 Relationship between Theory and Research 4.4 Historical Method 4.5 Descriptive Method 4.6 Experimental Method 4.7 Delphi Method 4.8 Grounded Theory Chapter 5 : Data Collection 5.1 Quantitative Data Collection 5.2 The Observation Method 53 The Questioning Method 5.4 Objective Methods 5-5 Scales of Measurements 5.6 Stating Your Approach 5.7 Sampling 5.8 Qualitative Research Methods Chapter 6 : Analysing the Data 6.1 Data Analysis 6.2 Quantitative Analysis 6.3 Hypothesis Testing 6.4 Qualitative Data Analysis 6.5 Combining Qualitative and Quantitative Methods of Analysis 6.6 Objectivity, Significance, Generalisability, Pveliabiliry and Validity Chapter 7 : Writing the Research Report 7.1 Presentation of Findings 7-2 Possible Forms for a Work Report


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