Neusner, Jacob

Judaism in Late Antiquity -3 Vol.Set - Boston, Leiden Brill Academic Publishers, Inc 2001 - 318p

includes index and biblioraphy

Vol.1 1. Introduction: The Scholarly Study of Judaism and its Sources ... 1 William Scott Green, University of Rochester JUDAISM OUTSIDE OF RABBINIC SOURCES 2. Non-Rabbinic Literature ... 13 Giinter Stemberger, University of Vienna 3. The Targumim ... 40 Paul Flesher, University of Wyoming 4. The Art and Archaeology of Ancient Judaism... 64 James F. Strange, University of South Florida RABBINIC SOURCES 5. Defining Rabbinic Literature and its Principal Parts ... 117 Jacob Neusner, University of South Florida 6. The Mishnah, Tosefta, and the Talmuds... 173 Alan J. Avery-Peck, College of the Holy Cross 7. Rabbinic Midrash ... 217 Gary G. Porton, University of Illinois WRITTEN EVIDENCE OF SYNAGOGUE LIFE S.Jewish Liturgy and Jewish Scholarship ... 239 Lawrence Hoffman, Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, New York Vol.2 I. "Law" in Early Judaism ... 3 Philip R. Davies, Sheffield University SECOND TEMPLE JUDAISMS II. Sadducees and Pharisees ... 35 Lester L. Grabbe, University of Hull III. Issues in Samaritanism ... 63 R. J. Coggins, University of London DEBATES ON THE DEAD SEA SCROLLS IV. Theories of Qumran... 82 Johann Maier, University of Cologne V. The Current State of Qumran Studies: Crisis in the Scrollery. A Dying Consensus... 99 Albert I. Baumgarten, Bar Ilan University RABBINIC JUDAISM: THE DEBATE ABOUT "TALMUDIC HISTORY" VI. Rabbinic Sources for Historical Study: A Debate with Ze`ev Safrai... 123 Jacob Neusner, University of South Florida and Bard College VII. Rabbinic Sources as Historical: A Response to Professor Neusner... 143 Ze`ev Safrai, Bar Ilan University VIII. Rabbinic Sources for Historical Study .. 169 Giinter Stemberger, University of Vienna IX. Rabbinic Literature of Late Antiquity as a Source for Historical Study ... 187 Richard Kalmin, Jewish Theological Seminary of America X. Rabbinic Sources for Historical Study ... 201 David Kraemer, Jewish Theological Seminary of America XI. Rabbinic Sources for Historical Study ... 213 Louis H. Feldman, Yeshiva University RABBINIC JUDAISM: LITERATURE XII. The Butchering of Jewish Texts to Feed the Masses... 233 Herbert W. Basser, Queens University Vol.3 Introduction The Four Approaches to the Description of Ancient Judaism(s): Nominalist, Harmonistic, Theological, and His torical ... 1 Jacob Neusner, University of South Florida and Bard College I. THE LEGACY OF SCRIPTURE 1. Death and Afterlife: The Biblical Silence ... 35 Richard Elliott Friedman, University of California, San Diego Shawna Dolansky Overton, University of California, San Diego 2. Death and Afterlife in the Psalms ... 61 John Goldingay, Fuller Theological Seminary 3. Memory as Immortality: Countering the Dreaded "Death after Death" in Ancient Israelite Society ... 87 Brian B. Schmidt, University of Michigan 4. Death and Afterlife in the Wisdom Literature... 101 Roland E. Murphy, Whitefriars Hall II. JUDAIC WRITINGS IN GREEK 5. The Afterlife in Apocalyptic Literature ... 119 John J. Collins, University of Chicago 6. Judgment, Life-After-Death, and Resurrection in the Apocrypha and the Non-Apocalyptic Pseudepigrapha.. 141 George W.E. Nickelsburg, The University of Iowa 7. Eschatology in Philo and Josephus ... Lester L. Grabbe, University of Hull III. THE DEAD SEA SCROLLS 8. Death, Resurrection, and Life after Death in the Qumran Scrolls... 189 Philip Davies, Sheffield University IV. EARLIEST CHRISTIANITY Part One and Two:The Literary and Archaeological Sources.-- Part Three:Where We Stand:Issues and Debates in Ancient Judaism.-- Part Four and Five:death, Life-after-death, Resurrection and the World-To-come in the Judaisms of Antiquity. V1. V2. V3.


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