Hansen, G Walter

The Letter to the Philippians - Michigan William B.Eerdmans Publishing Co 2009 - 335p

includes index and biblioraphy

I. THE HISTORICAL SETTING OF THE CHURCH IN PHILIPPI i II. THE NATURE OF THE LETTER 6 A. A Letter of Friendship 6 B. A Deliberative Speech 12 C. The Integrity of the Letter 15 III. THE OCCASION OF THE LETTER 19 A. Paul in Chains 19 B. The Church in Trouble 25 1. Disunity 25 2. Suffering 27 3. Opponents 28 IV. A PREVIEW OF Two THEMES 30 A. The Gospel of Christ 31 B. The Community in Christ 32 COMMENTARY ON PHILIPPIANS I. GREETINGS AND GRACE (1:1-2) 37 II. PRAYERS FOR PARTNERS (1:3-11) 44 III. REPORTS OF GOSPEL MINISTRY (1:12-26) 65 A. The Progress of the Gospel (1:12-14) 65 B. Motives for Preaching Christ (1:15-183) 71 C. Courage to Honor Christ by Life or by Death (i:i8b-26) 76 IV. IMPERATIVES FOR CITIZENS WORTHY OF THE GOSPEL (1:27-2:18) 93 A. Stand Firm Together in Suffering (1:27-30) 93 B. Think of the Interests of Others (2:1-4) 105 C. Focus on Christ (2:5-11) 118 1. A Community Mindful of Christ (2:5) 118 2. The Christ Hymn: Humility (2:6-8) 133 3. The Christ Hymn: Exaltation (2:9-11) 159 D. Work Out Your Salvation (2:12-18) 169 V. RECOMMENDATIONS OF CHRIST-LIKE SERVANTS (2:19-30) 191 A. Timothy (2:19-24) 192 B. Epaphroditus (2:25-30) 199 VI. DISCLOSURES OF PERSONAL EXPERIENCE (3:1-21) 211 A. Boasting in Privileges (3:1-6) 212 B. Losing All to Know Christ (3:7-11) 230 C. Pressing On toward the Goal (3:12-14) 249 D. Mentoring Others (3:15-17) 257 E. Mourning over the Enemies of the Cross (3:18-19) 263 F. Expecting Christ`s Ultimate Victory (3:20-21) 267 VII. FINAL APPEALS (4:1-9) 278 A. Be of One Mind in the Lord (4:1-3) 278 B. Rejoice in the Lord (4:4-9) VIII. THANKS FOR GIFTS FROM PARTNERS (4:10-20) IX. GREETINGS AND GRACE (4:21-23)

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