Keerankeri, George

Taking Text to Context A Festschrift in Honor of Fr.T. K. John, S.J. on the Occasion of His 75th Birth Anniversary - New Delhi ISPCK 2011 - 315p

includes index and biblioraphy

A Visionary of Integrity on the Move - George Keerankeri, S.J. 1 Fr. T.K. John: A Friend More Wanted - Prof. V. P. Srivastava 21 Challenges of Theologizing in India Today - Kuncheria Pathil, CMI 26 T.K. John and the Inculturation Commission - Michael Amaldoss, S.J. 40 The Birth of the Regional Theologates:TK John as a Shaper of Contextualized Formation - Joseph Mattam, S.J. 48 Formation in Mission of Moses, Jesus, Disciples and Jesuits - George Mlakuzhyil, S.J. 69 Subaltern Movements and their Theological Relevance - James Massey 100 Marrying Text and Context: Jai Ho to a Principled Principal - Francis Gonsalves, S.J. 114 Vidyajyoti`s Outreach to the Poor ol Delhi: Contribution of Fr. T. K. John - Paulose Mangai, S.J. 124 A Plea for a Global Satyagraha for Nonviolent Defence - Dr. Suman Khanna Aggarwal 141 Satyagraha, "Truth and non-violence: notes of Martyrdom", - Prof. J. P. S. Uberoi 165 Spiritual Resources for Social Transformation: The Relevance of Interfaith Dialogue - Swami Agnivesh 173 Comrade -TK - Dilip Simeon 188 T. K. John and the National Alliance of People`s Movements - Thomas Kocherry, CSSR 192 Indigenous Peoples: Their Identity and Struggle - Joseph Marianus Kujur, S.J. 208 PUCL: Its History of Struggle in fighting Structures - - Mahi Pal Singh 234 People as the Prime Movers of Peace: The Story of Pakistan-India Peoples` Forum for Peace and Democracy - Kaveri Bedi " Ravi Hemadri 267 Resonating with the Universe: Searching for a Theology to bridge the Dis-connection between Humans and the Earth - Robert Athickal, S.J. 280 Communalism and Secularism in Democratic Rights Perspective A Note in Tribute to Fr. T. K. John - Prof. Manoranjan Mohanty Ravi Hemadri 267 Resonating with the Universe: Searching for a Theology to bridge the Dis-connection between Humans and the Earth - Robert Athickal, S.J. 280 Communalism and Secularism in Democratic Rights Perspective A Note in Tribute to Fr. T. K. John - Prof. Manoranjan Mohanty Ravi Hemadri 267 Resonating with the Universe: Searching for a Theology to bridge the Dis-connection between Humans and the Earth - Robert Athickal, S.J. 280 Communalism and Secularism in Democratic Rights Perspective A Note in Tribute to Fr. T. K. John - Prof. Manoranjan Mohanty Ravi Hemadri 267 Resonating with the Universe: Searching for a Theology to bridge the Dis-connection between Humans and the Earth - Robert Athickal, S.J. 280 Communalism and Secularism in Democratic Rights Perspective A Note in Tribute to Fr. T. K. John - Prof. Manoranjan Mohanty Ravi Hemadri 267 Resonating with the Universe: Searching for a Theology to bridge the Dis-connection between Humans and the Earth - Robert Athickal, S.J. 280 Communalism and Secularism in Democratic Rights Perspective A Note in Tribute to Fr. T. K. John - Prof. Manoranjan Mohanty

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