Foley, Kathleen

Focus on Theology An Adult Faith-Formation Discussion Program - Minnesota Liturgical Press 1999 - 275p

includes index and biblioraphy

PART ONE: SCRIPTURE Chapter One: Genesis 1-11 Scientific Background and Biblical Inspiration 4 Creation 8 The Fall 19 Providence 25 Chapter Two: Scripture and Spirituality Spirituality of Children (video only) 34 Scripture Confronts the Cover Story 36 Joseph and Gifts 44 Chapter Three: Gospels 52 Approaches to the Gospels Parables 61 Chapter Four: Our Beliefs We Believe in Jesus Christ, the Only Son of God (essay only) 68 Redemption 72 Redemption Today 79 Vocation 95 PART Two: THE CHURCH Chapter Five: Mystery and Mission Mystery of the Church 104 Mission of the Church 109 Development of Doctrine 120 The Church`s Teaching Mission (essay only) 123 Chapter Six: Sacramental Life Sacramental Life 126 Structure of the Mass 136 Liturgical Year 148 Sacred Art (video only) 159 Sacred Pictures, Silent Talk (for further reflection) Sacred Music (video only) 167 Chapter Seven: Moral Life Christian Moral Life 170 Catholic Social Thought and Catholic Education Theological Virtues 191 Integrating Work and Leisure 196 Chapter Eight: Fulfilling the Kingdom Mary 208 Ecumenism 212 Information, Formation, Transformation 218 Eyes of Faith 221 PART THREE: PRAYERS Invitation to Prayer 226 Advent 228 Blindness and Vision 230 Christmas Season 233 Church 235 Creation 237 Easter 239 Justice and Peace 241 Lent 243 Mary 245 Spirit 247 Trinity Icon Meditation 248 Virtue: Living a Life of Faith, Hope, and Love 252 Vocation 255

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