Campbell, Stanislaus

From Breviary to Liturgy of the Hours The Structural Reform of the Roman Office 1964-1971 - Minnesota Liturgical Press 1995 - 358p

includes index and biblioraphy

1. The Structure of the Roman Office from the Sixth to the Twentieth Century 3 The Structure of Roman Offices in the Sixth Century i The Roman Structure in the Carolingian Era (Eighth to Tenth Century) 5 The Roman Structure in the Middle Ages (Eleventh to Fifteenth Century) 9 Later Reforms of the Roman Office (Sixteenth to Twentieth Century) 2. Developments in the Twentieth Century 16 The Reform of Pope Pius X (1911) 16 The Work of the Pian Commission and Other Projects for Reform (1945-1960) 18 The Codex Rubricarum of 1960 28 The Work of the Preparatory Liturgical Commission for the Second Vatican Council (1960-1962) 30 The Work of the Council in Preparing and Promulgating Sacrosanctum Concilium 34 3. The Consilium, Coetus IX, and Their Modus Operand! 42 First Phase (1963-1966) 43 Second Phase (1966-1967) 60 Third Phase (1968-1971) 69 4. The Structure of the Hours as a Whole 78 The Proposals for Radical Revision of the Office 78 The Relationship of the Hours to One Another 92 The Essential Elements of Every Hour of the Office 115 The Distribution and Division of the Psalms 137 Structuring of an Hour Joined to Another Liturgical Action 169 The Position of the Hymn in All the Hours The Introduction of Silence 182 5. The Structure of the Individual Hours Lauds and Vespers 185 The Minor Hours 207 The Office of Readings 212 Compline 232 6. Evaluation of the Reform 241 The Process of Reform 241 Options and Choices 252

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