Demy, Timothy J

Genetic Engineering A Christian Response: Crucial Considerations in Shaping Life - Michigan Kregel Publications 1999 - 320p

includes index and biblioraphy

Part 1: Genetic Engineering and Society 1. Joy in the Journey: A Physician Talks About the Importance of Genetic Research Francis S. Collins, M.D. andMelissa Cox ...... 23 2. Genetic Engineering: Bane or Blessing? C. Ben Mitchell ...... 29 3. Genetics and Christianity: An Uneasy but Necessary Partnership Michael McKenzie ............. 41 4. Applying Justice to Genetics Ddnal P. O`Mathuna ........ 51 5. Worldviews in Conflict: Human Cloning and Embryo Manipulation Frank E. Young, M.D. ....... 71 6. Patenting Life: An Evangelical Response C. Ben Mitchell ........... 89 7. Confronting Scientific Authority with Religious Values: Eugenics in American History Edward J. Larson .......... 105 8. Genetics and Human Rights in a Postmodern Age Jim Leffel ............ 127 Part 2: Genetic Engineering and the Family 9. The Ethics of Genetic Engineering and Artificial Reproduction J. Kerby Anderson .......... 141 10. Dealing with Genetic Reality: Theological and Clinical Perspectives William Cutrer, M.D. and Sandra Glahn ..... 155 11. "The Least That a Parent Can Do": Prenatal Genetic Testing and the Welcome of Our Children Brock L. Eide, M.D. ....... 171 12. Genetic Counseling: Guidance for Chilling Choices Rebecca D. Pentz ........... 189 13. Perinatal Hospice: A Response to Early Termination for Severe Congenital Anomalies James S. Reitmanm, M.D., Byron C. Calhoun, M.D., and Nathan J. Hoeldtke, M.D. ........... 197 14. The Cost of Choice: A Price Too High in the Triple Screen for Down`s Syndrome Thomas E. Elkins, M. D. and Douglas Brown ...... 213 Part 3: Genetic Engineering and the Individual 15. "What Is Man?" A Study of Old Testament Anthropology Eugene H. Merrill ....... 227 16. Blame It on the Beta-Boosters: Genetics, Self-Determination, and Moral Accountability J. Daryl Charles ....... 241 17. The Possibilities and Ethics of Human Cloning Raymond G. Bohlin .......... 261 18. Ethical Issues and Concerns About Human Cloning Scott B.Rae ........ 279 19. A Theology of Healing and Genetic Engineering Dennis P. Hollinger ...... 295 20. Genetic Screening: Suffering and Sovereignty Sonya Men-ill ............ 305

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