Miller, Lisa J

The Oxford Handbook of Psychology and Spirituality - Oxford Oxford University Press 2012 - 634p

includes index and biblioraphy

Part One o Epistemological and Oncological Assumptions in History and Culture 1. The History and Current State of Research on Psychology of Religion 7 Ralph W. Hood, Jr. 2. Theoretical and Epistemological Foundations 21 James M. Nelson and Brent D. Slife 3. Parameters and Limitations of Current Conceptualizations 36 FraserN. Watts 4. Progress in Physics and Psychological Science Affects the Psychology of Religion and Spirituality 47 Everett L. Worthington, Jr. 5. Complementarities in Physics and Psychology 63 C. Edward Richards Part Two o Personality and Social Psychology: Universalism, Absolutism, and Relativism 6. Personality, Spirituality, and Religion 85 Eric D. Rose and JulieJ. Exline 7. Overview and Development of a Trait-Based Measure of Numinous Constructs: The Assessment of Spirituality and Religious Sentiments (ASPIRES) Scale 104 Ralph L. Piedmont 8. Good and Evil in Religion: The Interpersonal Context 123 Christopher T. Burris and John K. Rempel 9. Religion, Altruism, and Prosocial Behavior: Conceptual and Empirical Approaches 138 Elizabeth Midlarsky, Anthony S. J. Mullin, and Samuel H. Barkin Part Three o Spiritual Development, Family, and Culture 10. Spiritual Development During Childhood and Adolescence 151 Chris J. Boyatzis 11. Questions Left Unaddressed by Religious Familism: Is Spirituality Relevant to Nontraditional Families? 165 Annette Mahoney and Elizabeth J. Krumrei 12. Motherhood and Female Faith Development: Feminine Tapestry of Religion, Spirituality, Creativity, and Intuition 182 Carole A. Ray burn 13. Colored Spirituality: The Centrality of Spirit Among Ethnic Minorities 197 Lillian Comas-Diaz 14. Models of Spiritual Development 207 Harris Friedman, Stanley Krippner, Linda Riebel, and Chad Johnson Part Four o Prayer, Intention and Sacred Dialogue in Treatment: Western Traditions 15A. Spiritually Sensitive Psychotherapy: An Impending Paradigm Shift in Theory and Practice 223 Len Sperry 15B. Journey From a Materialist to a Postmaterialist Perspective: A Portrait 234 Len Sperry 16. Honoring Religious Diversity and Universal Spirituality in Psychotherapy 237 P. Scott Richards 17- Counseling and Psychotherapy Within and Across Faith Traditions 255 Mark R. McMinn, Kimberly N. Snow, andjustinj. Orton 18. Psychoanalysis, Psi Phenomena, and Spiritual Space: Common Ground 271 Ruth Rosenbaum 19. Spiritual Aspects of Jungian Analytical Psychology: Individuation, Jung s Psychological Equivalent of a Spiritual Journey 286 Joseph P. Wagenseller Part Five o Mind, Awareness and Consciousness in Treatment: Eastern Traditions 20. Contemplative Traditions and Meditation 307 Brendan D. Kelly 21. Translation of Eastern Meditative Disciplines Into Western Psychotherapy 326 Randye J. Semple and Sean P. Hatt 22. Eastern Traditions, Consciousness, and Spirituality 343 Kartikeya C. Patel Part Six o Physical Health and Spirituality 23. Spirituality, Science, and the Human Body 361 Wayne B. Jonas, Matt Fritts, Gail Christopher, Maebajonas, and Susan Jonas 24. Spirituality, Emotions, and Physical Health 379 Crystal L. Park andjeanne M. Slattery 25. Spirituality, Religion, and Psychological Counseling 388 Thomas G. Plante and Carl E. Thoresen 26. Spirituality and Recovery From Serious Mental Problems 410 David Lukoff Part Seven o Positive Psychology and Spirituality 27. Positive Psychology and Spirituality: A Virtue-Informed Approach to Well-Being 425 Joseph W. Ciarrocchi 28. Spirituality, Resilience, and Positive Emotions 437 Bruce W. Smith, J. Alexis Ortiz, Kathryn T. Wiggiris, Jennifer F. Bernard, andjeanne Dalen 29. Constructing the Connection Between Spirituality, Work, and Family 455 Lee Joyce Richmond 30. Spirituality and Positive Youth Development 468 Peter L. Benson, Eugene C. Roehlkepartain, and P

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