Modi, Jaising P.

A Textbook of Medical Jurisprudence and Toxicology - 24 - Nagpur Lexis Nexis Butterworths Wadhwa 2012 - 591p

includes index and biblioraphy

Section 1: Medical Jurisprudence History of forensic medicine Legal procedure in criminal courts Medical evidence and medical witness Legal and ethical aspects of medical practice Medical negligence and consumer protection act HIV and AIDS: Legal and ethical implications Human rights and torture medicine Medico-legal aspects of death Brain-stem death and transplantation of human organs act Persoanl identity Examination of a living person for medico legal purposes Post-modern examination Exhumation Post-mortem changes and time since death Post-mortem artefacts Examination of biological stains and hair Tools of interrogation The pathology of sudden natural death Deaths from asphyxia Death from starvation,cold and heat Injuries from burns,scalds,lightning and electricity Radiation injuries Investigation of deaths related to anaesthetic procedures Injuries by mechanical violence Bomb blast injuries Medico-legal aspects of wounds Vehicular traffic injuries Regional injuries Impotence,sterility and artificial insemination Virginity,pregnancy and delivery Sexual offences Legitimacy and legal aspects of marriage annulment Infanticide Abortion,medical termination of pregnancy and female foeticide Mental ill-healthand its medico-legal aspects Section 2: Toxicology Poisons and their medico-legal aspects Corrosive poisons Inorganic irritant poisons (I) Inorganic irritant poisons (II) Organic irritant poisons (I) Organic irritant poisons (II) Mechanical irritant poisons Somniferous cerebral poisons Inebriant cerebral poisons Deliriant cerebral poisons Spinal poisons Cardiac poisons Asphyxiants(Irrespirable gases) Peripheral (Neural) poisons Miscellaneous poisons


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