Vernon, M D

Human Motivation - New York Cambridge University 2010 - 189p

includes index and biblioraphy

The nature of motivation 1 Introduction 2 Instinct in man 3 Ethological studies of instinctive behaviour in animals 4 The concept of drive Emergence and development of motivation in children i Reflex actions 2 Development of more complex behaviour patterns 3 Fear, anger and aggression 4 Curiosity, exploration and play 5 Social relations with adults 6 The effects of upbringing on motivated behaviour 7 Social relations with other children 8 Development of self-awareness 3 The satisfaction of the biological needs 1 Homeostatic motivation 2 Sexual behaviour 3 Maternal behaviour 4 Motivated behaviour in the emergency reactions 1 Fear and avoidance 2 Fight 3 Other forms of aggression 5 The emotions 1 The functions of the emotions 2 Emotional expression 3 Physiological processes in emotion 4 Complex emotions 6 Activation, arousal, exploration and competence 1 Activation 85 2 Arousal 88 3 Play and variety 90 4 Exploration and competence 91 7 Social motivation 94 1 Membership of social groups 94 2 T`Ae effects on motivated behaviour of different types of social group 96 3 Tie study of socially-motivated behaviour 99 4 Affiliation and social conformity 102 5 Power and dominance 106 8 Goal-directed behaviour 108 1 Interests 108 2 Sentiments 112 3 The self-regarding sentiment and self-actualization 115 4 Level of aspiration 117 5 Achievement motivation 121 6 Work 128 9 Frustration and conflict 134 1 The consequences of failure 134 2 Lewins theory as to the nature and consequences of motivational conflict 137 3 Anxiety 144 4 The mechanisms of defence 147 5 The causes of variation in frustration behaviour 154 10 Individual differences in motivated behaviour 157

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