Dembski, William A

Tough-Minded Christianity Honoring the Legacy of John Warwick Montgomery - Nashville Broadman and Holman Publishers 2008 - 768p

includes index and biblioraphy

THE CHRISTIAN WORLDVIEW Paul Against Pluralism: The Relevance of the Athenian Speech Today 2 "Ever Hearing but Never Understanding": A Response to Mark Hutchins`s Critique of John Warwick Montgomery`s Historical Apologetics 20 John Warwick Montgomery: God`s Universal Man 33 Evangelicalism and Social Responsibility 43 Trashing Evangelical Christians: The Legacy of James Barr`s Fundamentalism 69 The Transcendent Incarnate: J. W Montgomery`s Defense of a Christocentric Weltanschauung 92 Dr. Angus}. L. Menuge Tough-Minded Christianity The Core Resurrection Data: The Minimal Facts Approach Apologetics, Persuasion, and Pastoral Care Christianity for the Technically Inclined: Risk Assessment, Probability, and Prophecy Evidential Apologetic Methodology: The Montgomery-Bahnsen Debate The Role of Public Debate in Apologetics John Warwick Montgomery as Evangelical, Evidential, and Confessional Lutheran Apologist Christianity Needs More Lutheran Apologetes LAW, ETHICS, SOCIETY Environmental Education, Ethics, and Evidential Apologetics 514 Political Correctness: Blessing or Curse? Planting a Rawlsian Garden: Proper Function, the Problem of Evil, and "Thinking Behind the Veil" 558 The Natural Law Foundations of Lord Denning`s Thought and Work 597 "Higher Law," Corporations, and Christian Lawyers 620 Muslim Immigration to Europe and Its Challenge for European Societies: Human Rights, Security Issues, and Current Developments 653 The Sacred and the Secular: Religion in the State University 667 TRIBUTE Personal Letter John Ankerberg Open Letter Table Talks with John Warwick Montgomery: An essay in honor of Dr. John Warwick Montgomery Sermon: The Ascension Tough-Minded Christianity Onginal Hymn Reflecting Montgomery`s Apolog,

9780805447835 2015

C01 / D393