Block, Daniel I

Israel Ancient Kingdom Or Late Invention? - Nashville Broadman and Holman Publishers 2008 - 346p

includes index and biblioraphy

The Value and Limitations of the Bible and Archaeology 9 Contextual Criticism as a Framework for Biblical Interpretation North-West Semitic Inscriptions and Biblical Interpretation: From Joseph to David: Mari and Israelite Pastoral Traditions Major Geographical Issues in the Accounts of the Exodus: Slavery and Slave Laws in Ancient Hatti and Israel Were the Israelites Really Canaanites? Alan R. Millard Syria and the Bible: The Luwian Connection 169 David and Solomon`s Jerusalem: Do the Bible and Archaeology Disagree? 185 Who Were Israel`s Transjordanian Neighbors and How Did They Differ? 201 Shalmaneser III and Israel 225 Did the Israelites Really Learn Their Monotheism in Babylon? 257 Did Persian Zoroastrianism Influence Judaism? 282 Interpreting the Bible as an Ancient Near Eastern Document

9780805446791 1763

B55.9 / B620