Datta, D M

The Six Ways of Knowing A Critical Study of the Advaita Theory of Knowledge - Calcutta University Of Calcutta 1997 - 306p

includes index and biblioraphy

perception (pratyaksa) perception and metaphysics THE definition of perception (pratyaksa) the psychology of perception The Conception of Sense (Indriya) and its Function The Conception of Mind (Manas or Anlahkarana) The Function of Mind (Antahkaraga) in Perception the place and function of the self in perception objects of perception Indeterminate (Nirvikalpaka) Perception Determinate (Savikalpaka) Perception Perception of Time Perception of Universals, Relations, etc. The Nyaya Theory of Extraordinary (Alaukika) Percetion Internal Perception comparison (upamana) ... 119 The Problem ... 121 Is Upamana an Anumana (Inference) ? ... 122 Is it a perception ? ... 123 Is it Partly a Perception and Partly a Memory ? ... 124 The Nyaya View of UpamSna ... 125 The Evidence of Western Logic : Is Upamana an Immediate Inference ?... 126 NON-COGNITION (ANUPALABDHI) ... 133 The Problem of Anupalabdhi ... 135 The Views of the Prabhakaras and the Samkhyas ... 135 The Views of the Naiyayikas ... 136 The Views of the Bhauas and the Advaitins ... 137 Objections Answered ... 142 The objects of Non-Perception : The Four Kinds of Non-Existence ... 146 Critical Estimation of Anupalabdhi ... 154 inference (anumana) ... 169 The Meaning of Anumana ... 171 The Conception of the Vyapti (Invariable Concomitance between the Middle and the Major Terms) ... 172 How is Vyapti to be Ascertained ? ... 173 The Function of Vyapti: The Psychology of Inference ... 177 Does Inference Yield any New Knowledge ? ... 181 The Form of the Syllogism ... 182 The Classification of Inference ... 184 The Psychological Conditions of Inference: The Theory of Paksata ... 192 POSTULATION (ARTHAPATTl) The Problem Is not Arthapatti an Anumana ? Are all Inferences Reducible to Arthapatti `? Criticism and Conclusion introduction testimony (sabda) the process of sabda-jnana Sensations of Sound the perception of word-symbols How Sound-series is Perceived ? The Theory of Sphota The Advaita View and Criticism words and meanings Words as Symbols Is Primary Meaning Particular or Universal ? Five Views The Advaita View Critically Considered Is any Word Non-connotative ? Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Meanings the sentence and its meaning ... 249 The Nature of a Sentence ... 249 Does Construction Precede Expression ? Two Views ... 250 Conditions of Significant Combination ... 259 The Conception of a Proposition ... 265 Do all Propositions Contain Substantive- adjective Relation ? ... 267 Some Identity Propositions : Advaita View and Western Criticism ... 269


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