Schmidt, Austin G

Faith and Reason A First Course in Apologetics - 1th ed. - Illinois Loyola University Press 1940 - 300p

includes index and biblioraphy

The purpose of the book the proof from design the proof from physical law the proof from conscience the proof from history the principle from casualty atheism agnosticism the personal god the problem of evil the nature of the soul the immortality of the soul evolution the nature of religion the necessity of religion the origin of religion natural religion supernatural religion the search for divine revelation charcterstics of an historicak document the gospels the authenticity of the gospels the trustworthiness of the gospels jesu christ was truly man christ`s claim to divinity the character of christ the miracles of christ the resurrection of christ the prophecies jesus christ founded a church the authority of st peter the successors of st peter the infallibility of the church the twofold light


C07 / SCH525