Kuriakose, M J.

Contextual Biblical Theology : A Study of Irenaeus and Soares-Prabhu / M J. Kuriakose. - Chennai : University of Madras ; 2000. - 111 p. ;

includes index and biblioraphy

Chapter 1:irenaeus bibical theology Irenacus challenging context Gnostic theological attempts Gnostic theological method Gnostic claim of authenticity Gnostic interpertation of the mystery: God beyond the creator The pleroma Inferior deity as the creator The scriptual support for this system Gnostic interpretation of man and salvation Gnostic interpretation of the mystery of jesus 2.Irenaeus bibical response Irenaeus criticism of gnostic method of using the scripture and its interpretations Irenacus proposed method Irenaeus criticism of gnostic method of using the scripture and its interpretations Irenaeus proposed method irenaeus understanding of the scripture Tunity of old testament and new testament Irenaeus hermeneutical principle Principles of investigation into the scropture How to read paul Irenaeus claim of authenticity Irenseus biblically based theological response God is one and the same the creator of the world Proof from the prophets Proof from the gospels Proof from apostle`s teaching Proof from jesus teachings and actions God is not unknown but known Irenaeus bibical (theological) anthropology or irenaeus anthropological response Irenaeus interpretation of image and likeness Man is created with a freedom ofchoice Irenaeus biblical christology -Aresponse to gnostic chridtology Jesus christ is the world became man CHAPTER 2:tHE BIBICAL THEOLOGY OF SOARES - PRADHU Domination of the western christianity -The indian christianity harsh Egypt Continuity of distored self- understanding of the western church Distored approach of the church to the third world theologies Distored practice of interpretation by the church-Misuse of the scripture Church distored understanding of human being and salvation church distorted and individualistic understanding of jesus chirst Distored understanding and practice of mission Distored understanding of catholicity- the western church attempt to enforce a universal theology Alienation of the indian christianity and the indian christian theology from the indian context The indian context -Indian social location The indian social situation The indian mind Alientated responses to the challenge of indian context Alienated practices of Hindu tradition Alienated idological attempts Alienated attempts of Gandhism Alienated of indian christianity from indian samsara Alienated and incomplete response of indian techologian to indian samsara 2.soares response to the challenging indian context Characteristic ekement of soares response Post modem approach apaost-concilar approach Post colonial approach Challege and task of theology in the indian context Acotxtual theology -soares basic response Contextualization -its meaning The process of inculaturation soares proposed method Dialectical interplay of text and context Not a demonising but an identification and confrontation of the text. with the context Teologising a second step basing on social analysis Acontext reading of the bible The scripture the christian text Aninian exegtical method in suggested practice The proper locus of indian interpretation Recipe of contextual trily catholic indian theology Soares pre understanding 3. Acontextual biblical response Soares understanding of the bible Diversity and unity in the bible The uniques foundational God -experience in the bible Unique, New self-understanding The historicity of the bible Basic bibical understanding of creation, human being and sin and salvation Creation Human being Sin and salvation Contextual influence in soares understanding of the bible The possibility of biblical response to indian sistuation Christologising in india - A contextual christological response The new testament methodology as model for christologising The normativeness of the new testament in christologising in india Jesus of faith :The christian experience of jesus

BT2000 / K965