Young, Frank Rudolph

Somo-Psychic Power Usinh Its Miracle Forces for a Fabulous New Life - Bombay D.B.Taraporevala Sons and Co.Pvt.Ltd 1977 - 246p

includes index and biblioraphy

What this book will do for you ...7 1. How the magic of somo psychic power works for you ...19 How you , too can recover from the worst losses and make more money thanever before ...20 How tina M. gainted the loyalty of her lady - boss resisting subordinates How you ,too,can control people who don`t respect you ...21 How earl F.hung on to his precarious job How you too, can save your future in hopeless situations ...22 How Larry C, sensed how to avoi9d and unexpected legal peril How you too can see aheard into the future ....23 How neglected sarah H. changed instanity into a romantically pursued woman How you too can fill yourselg wiyh sex appeal at any age ....24 How health broken john M. was reborn How you toocan smash bad health with somopsychic power ...25 2. The simple magic of somo psychic power ...27 How trifling incidents trigger the magic of our instincitive somopsychic power ...27 How your romance frustrations tigger self destrucive somo psychic power in you ...28 How dissatisfaction with yourself triggers diabolic somo psychic power in you ...29 How life stresses trigger self eroding somo psychic power in you ...30 How natural and medical physicians can temporarily rout self destructive somo psychic powers in patients with finger tip pressure ...31 3. How to trigger the magic of your somo psychic power at will ...33 The mechanism of your somo pdychic power and how it works ...33 How your instinctive somo psychic power automatically triggers itself within you ...34 How the control of your instinctive somopsychic power over you varies regularly ...35 How any of the four devastating physiological intra tensions robs your instinctive somo psychic power of its magic ...36 1. Your visceral intra tension ...37 2. Your nerve-space intra tension ...37 3. Your muscle intra tension ...38 4. Your gland intra tension ...38 The magic somo psychic power you acquire by putting your different intra tensions under conscious control ...39 How to control your somo psychic power at will ...40 4. How to leap past the overwhelming obstacles that hold you back in every thing ...41 Amazing achievements of people who controlled their wavering somopsychic powers ...42 How overwhelming obstacles shackle you ...42 How to relax the over excitable nerve space intra tension wound up in you by merciless life barriers ...43 The arm torso adrenal releaser ...44 Important additional powers you gain from the magical arm torso adrenal releaser ...46 How to take on the right muscle tone to east off any handicap (the extensor flex reflex) ...47 The extensor flex reflex ...47 The time saving way to combine doing the torso adrenal releaser and the extensor flex reflex ...49 The magic parallel to the stepping reflex ...50 How to eliminate your self debasing attitudes ...50 How to cast off any new enslaving bad habits instantly ...51 The instant adrenal releaser ...51 Case histories in point ...54 5. How to leap instantly into the invincible self you wish to be ...59 6. How to leap instantly into the path of quick success ...72 7. How to leap instantly into irresistible control over others ...83 8. How to leap out and win out in emergencies ...98 9. How to instantly leap free of strangling mental tensions ...110 10. How to leap into being well liked by friend or foe ...124 11. How to leap away from being sexually indequate and recharge your lost sexual powers ...138 12. How to become free of the tortures of poor health ...152 13. How to leap out of negative, mind crushing attitudes and conquer them ...167 14. How to avoid advancing old age infirmities and live young again ...178 15. How to get immediate power to perform a new skill expertly ...192 16. How to acquire rewarding creative and inventive powers ...206 17. How to use your dormant ancestor powers for immediate benefits ...220 18.The secret of the somo psychic fuser for instant action ...235 Epilogue ...241 Index ...242


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