
The Holy Sayings of Jesus - Delhi Media House 2017 - 442p

includes index and biblioraphy

1 The baptism of jesus ...17 2 The Temptation not by bread alone ...20 3 Do not put the lord to the temptations ...24 4 Worship the lord only ...27 5 Repent the kingdom has come ...29 6 Fishers of men ...32 7 Blessed are the poor ...34 8 Blessed are those who mourn ...39 9 Blessed are the meek ...43 10 Hunger for righteousness ...46 11 Bleesed are the merciful ...50 12 Blessed are the pure ...52 13 Blessed are the peacemakers ...55 14 Persecuted for righteousness ...58 15A Salt of the earth ...62 15B Light of the world ...64 16 The Law and the prophets ...67 17 Concerning anger ...70 18 Concerning adultory ...73 19 Concerning divorce ...76 20 Concerning oaths ...79 21 Concerning retatliation ...82 22 Love for enemices ...86 23 Practising piety ...91 24 Concering almsgiving ...94 25 Convercing prayer ...97 26 The prayer our father in heaven ...101 27 Forgiveness of trespasses ...112 28 Converning fasting ...114 29 Concerning treasures ...117 30 The second eye ...120 31 Serving two masters ...122 32 Do not worry ...125 33 Judging others ...129 34 Profaning the holy ...132 35 Ask, search Knock ...135 36 The Golden rule ...139 37 The narrow gate ...142 38 A tree and its fruits ...145 39 Converning self deception ...149 40 Hearers and doers ...152 41 Jesus cleanses a leper ...154 42 Jesus heals a centurion`s servant ...157 43 Would be followers of jesus ...161 44 Jesus stills the storm ...164 45 Jesus heals the gadarene demoniacs ...167 46 Jesus heals a paralytics ...170 47 The calling of Mathew ...173 48 The question about fasting ...176 49 A woman suffering from haemorrhages healed ...179 50 Leader of the synagogue`s daughter resorted to life ...181 51 Jesus heals two blind men ...184 52 The harvest is great ...186 53 The mission of the twelve ...189 54 Takes no gold or silver ...192 55 Rules of conduct for the desciples ...194 56 Coming persecutions ...196 57 Whom to fear ...199 58 Not peace but a sword ...203 59 Rewards ...205 60 Messengers from John the baptist ...207 61 Jesus praises john the baptist ...210 62 Woes the unrepentant cities ...214 63 Jesus thanks his father ...219 64 Easy yoke and light burden ...219 65 Plucking grain on the sabbath ...221 66 The man with a withered hand ...224 67 Jesus and beelzebul ...227 68 The sign of Jonah ...232 69 The return of the unclean spirit ...235 70 The true kindred of jesus ...237 71 The parable of the sower ...240 72 The purpose of the parables ...244 73 The parable of weeds among the wheat ...247 74 The parable of the mustard seed ...250 75 The parable of the yeast ...252 76 The parables of treasure and fine pearls ...255 77 The parable of a net thrown into the sea ...258 78 The rejection of jesus at nazareth ...261 79 Freeding the five thousand ...263 80 Jesus walks on the water ...267 81 The tradition of the elders ...270 82 Things that defile ...273 83 The canaanite woman`s faith ...276 84 Feeding the four thousand ...279 85 The demand for a sign ...281 86 Peter`s declaration about jesus ...284 87 Jesus foretalls his death and resurrection ...288 88 The cross and self denial ...290 89The son of man is to come ...292 90 The transfiguration ...294 91 coming of elijah ...297 92 Little faith ...300 93 Jesus again foretells his death ...302 94 Jesus and the temple tax ...303 95 True greatness ...306 96 Temptation to sin ...309 97 The parable of the lost sheep ...312 98 Reproving another who sins ...315 99 If two of you agree on earth ...318 100 Forgiveness ...320 101 Teaching about divorce ...323 102 Three kinds of eunuchs ...326 103 Jesus blesses little children ...328 104 Entering the kingdom of heaven ...330 105 The labourers in the vineyard ...335 106 A third time jesus foretells his death ...338 107 The request of the mother of james and J ohn ...340 108 Jesus heals two blind men ...344 109 Jesus triumphal entry into jerusalem ...347 110 Jesus cleanses the temple .351

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