Charles, Rodger.

Christian Social Witness and Teaching : The Catholic Tradition from Genesis to Centesimus Annus: -2 Vol. Set Rodger Charles. - Herefordshire : Gracewing ; 1998. - 472 p. ;

includes index and biblioraphy

VOl. I The scriptures and the early church ...........11 Western christendom c. 604-1500: The social role of the Church ...........99 The marginalization of the Church in the early modern world : Absolutism , imperialism and revolutions ...........241 Vol. II LEO XIII (1878-1903)..............3 Pius X (1903-14)and benedict XV(1914-22)............31 Pius XI(1922-39)............52 Pius XII (1939-58)..............101 John XXIII (1958-63)............144 The background to the social teaching of the church 1962-78........190 The second vatican council ..........207 Pope paul VI and the council of the Latin American biships ..............231 JOhn Paul II and CELAM................264 John paul II`s social Encyclicals 1979-81...........283 Liberation theology, congregation for the doctrine of the faith 1984-86 and john Paul II 1986........303 John Paul II`s social encyclicals 1987-91...........331 John Paul II and CELAM IV .................367 A summary of christian social teaching ...........390 From Biblical Times to the Late Nineteenth Century.-- The Modern Social Teaching contexts : Summaries: Analysis. V1. V2.


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