Casarella, Peter J

Jesus Christ The New Face of Social Progress - Michigan William B.Eerdmans Publishing Co 2015 - 370p

includes index and biblioraphy

PART I: HISTORICAL AND THEOLOGICAL APPROACHES Caritas in Veritate: A First Glance at the Encyclical 11 Archbishop Celestino Migliore Pope Benedict XVI`s Use of Scripture in Caritas in Veritate 19 Horacio Vela Reading Paul VI`s Populorum Progressio through Benedict XVI`s Caritas in Veritate 30 J. Brian Benestad "I Am with You Always": Caritas in Veritate and the Christological Foundations of Catholic Social Teaching 55 Roberto Goizueta The Anthropological Vision of Caritas in Veritate and Its Implications for Economic and Cultural Life Today 68 David L. Schindler PART II: REIMAGINING SOCIAL AND POLITICAL ORDER "Dispersed Political Authority": Subsidiarity and Globalization in Caritas in Veritate 89 William T. Cavanaugh Practicing Gratuity: A Vision for Families and the Social Order 107 Julie Hanlon Rubio Global Order in Catholic Social Teaching: From Benedict XV to Benedict XVI 127 Patrick Callahan The Alices Restaurant of Catholic Social Teaching: Global Order in Caritas in Veritate 137 Michael Budde Institutional Pluralism, Global Governance, and Nigerian Emails: Benedict`s Call for Truth and Trust 152 Maryann Cusimano Love PART III: RETHINKING THE ECONOMY AS GRATUITOUS Profit Maximization and the Death of God: Theology and Economics in Benedict XVI`s Charity in Truth 167 D. Stephen Long Christianity and the Challenges of the Contemporary Economy , and Culture 183 Paulo Fernando Carneiro de Andrade From Spirituality of Communion to "Economy of Communion": The Evolution of a New Economic Culture 193 Lorna Gold Caritas in Veritate: A Challenge to "Dualistic" Economic Thinking 227 Simona Beretta The Logic of Gift: Practical Implications for the Corporation 254 Michael Naughton Will Understanding the Principle of Gratuitousness Help Save the Soul of a Lapsed Economist? Theodore Tsukahara ]r. PART IV: A GREEN POPE? ECOLOGY IN CARITAS IN VERITATE Human Ecology, Environmental Ecology, and Ressourcement: Caritas in Veritate in the Light of Philip Sherrard s Theandric Anthropology Keith Lemna Nature, Soil, and God: Soils and the "Grammar of Nature" Sister Damien Marie Savino, F.S.E. EPILOGUE Loving in Truth for the Sake of Humanity Cardinal Peter Kodwo Appiah Turkson

9780802871138 3195

C27.3 / C263