Marison, Fiscar

The Mystical City of God : Popular Abridgment of the Divine History and Life of the Virgin Mother of God / by Fiscar Marison - Illinois : Tan Books and Publishing, Inc ; 1978. - 608 p. ;

includes index and biblioraphy

Part 1. books one and two The conception Book One I. Why god revealed the life of mary in these our times ...3 II. God`s inscrutable essence, the decree of creation ....10 III. Creaion of the angels and the fall of lucifer .....19 IV. Creation and fall of man .....26 V. Propagation of mankind expectation of a redeemer saint Joachim and anne .....31 VI. The immaculate conception ....42 VII. The blessed birth of mary immaculate her name ....53 VIII. Her childhood years .....64 Book two I. Her presentation in the temple ....71 II. Instruction given by the queen concerning Religious Vows,her first years in the temple ....82 III Of the virtue of faith and how most holy Mary practiced it ....95 IV. Of the virtue of hope, and how the virgin our lady exercised it ....102 V. Of the virtue of charity in the most holy Mary, our lady ....108 VI. The trials of the queen in the temple and the death of her parents ....116 VII. Her wonderful espousal with saint joseph ....134 Part 2. Books three, four, five and six The incarnation and transfixion Book three I. The novena before the incarnation ....147 II. The incarnation of the son of god .....166 III. Most holy mary visits elisabeth ....178 Book four I. St joseph resolves to leave his spouse ....196 II. The amiable humility of mary towards her spouse ....212 III. The journey to bethlehem ....218 IV. Christ our saviour is born of the virgin mary in bethlehem juda ....225 V. The adoration of the shepherds, the circumcision ....237 VI. The adoration of the magi ....249 VII. The presentation of the infant jesus in the temple ....256 VIII. The flight to egypt .....266 IX. The sweet intercourse of jesus and mary; Their return from egypt ....277 Book five I. Interior trials of Mary; jesus in the temple .....287 II. Jesus instructs his mother in the law of grace ....301 III. The continued prayers of jesus and Mary for mankind .....307 IV. The happy death of saint joseph ....313 V. The blessed mother offers her son as victim to the eternal father; jesus departs from nazareth .....321 VI. Baptism of christ his fast. Mary`s doings during these events ....330 Book six I. Mary accompanies jesus on his journeys ....344 II. The transfiguration and triumphal entry into jerusalem of our lord ....357 III. The last supper ....367 IV. The prayer in gethsemani and how mary joined therein .....376 V. Jesus brought before annas and caiphas .....388 VI. Jesus brought before pilate the scourging and crowning with thorns ....398 VII. The way of the cross .....412 VIII. The crucifixion .....419 Mary the heiress of the merits of christ ....430 X. The victory of christ over hell ....437 XI. The resurrection ....449 XII. The ascension of christ .....456 Part 3. Books seven and eight The coronation Book seven I. Descent of the holy ghost, Mary`s intuitive vision of him ...469 II. Sermon of the apostles mary`s care for the converts ....475 III. Baptism of the converts the first mass, peretual presence of the holy species in Mary .....484 IV. Solicitude of mary for the apostles and the faithful .....491 V. Death of stephen the creed departure of the apostles ....499 VI. Conversion of saint paul .....513 Book eight I. The persecution of herod and the wil of god made known to Mary occasion her sojourn in ephesus .....523 II. Council of the apostles ...544 III. The gospels .....557 IV. Her devotion to the passion of christ and to the holy eucharist how she celebrated the immaculate conception and other feasts ....565 V. Saint gabbiel brings notice of death .....577 VI. The glorious transition of the virgin Mary ...585 VII. Burial and assumption of the virgin ....594 VIII. The coronation of the mother of god .....604

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