Jose, K Henry

Becoming Human Becoming Christ: Festschrift in Honour of Prof. Dr. Jacob Parappally, MSFS - Bengaluru Asian Trading Corporation 2018 - 435p

includes index and biblioraphy

our vocation to be Human ............3 Our basic vocation to grow unto christ-likeness....15 The process of becoming humanly divine and divinely human ...........25 Becoming human as becoming divine ............37 A close encounter with the human face of the divine .................48 The story between you and me ............57 Being human being brahman ..................76 doing catholic theology in India .........89 Know that you do not know ........104 Can traditional christology meet the challenges of our age ........117 The four-storeyed christology.........129 Jesus - God`s Parable for becoming human ............139 Jesus and leadership ...............149 Humanist manifesto of jesus in storytelling ......159 Human touch in st. francis de sales .......169 Becoming human- becoming christ ............198 Facticity of Christian faith and the parousia of the Last god .........213 When public Faith discords with professional exegesis ............242 3. Remaining human and Humane in Today`s World ..............257 Becoming human by transcending the borders of religion ..........285 Human dignity and mutual recognition ......315 Mercy: The heart of christian ethics and the key to becoming human and becoming divine ..........331 Affirming the sapientia of homo sapiens sapiens ..........342 Destiny of women and men ................361 The ministry of Reconciliation ...................371 Treasure in earthen jars - towards a priestly spirituality for today ...................381 Prof. Jacob parappally ............392

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